This page contains the 1st few years of the Grapevine monthly magazine in their entirety: Vol. II, No. 8, January, 1946 to Vol. III, No. 7, December, 1946.
Grapevine, VOL. II, NO. 8, JANUARY, 1946 (12 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- With Humility and Charity, What Greatness Is Impossible? – H. A. R., Eau Claire, Wis.
Grapevine, VOL. II, NO. 9, FEBRUARY, 1946 (12 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- A Search in Personal Data for Key to “Slips”
Grapevine, VOL. II, NO. 10, MARCH, 1946 (12 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Our Anonymity Is Both Inspiration and Safety – Bill W.
Grapevine, VOL. II, NO. 11, APRIL, 1946 (12 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Mental Sobriety Means Spotting Danger Signals – Fannie L., Manhattan
- Excess Baggage
Grapevine, VOL. II, NO. 12, MAY, 1946 (12 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Re-creation of Personality Possible Through Training – R. F. S., Montclair, N. J.
- Rapid Growth Reported From Western Canada
- 33 New Groups Added In Less Than a Month
Grapevine, VOL. III, NO. 1, JUNE, 1946 (12 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Growing Pains Here and Abroad
- March of Time Film
- The Use of Confession – (Cardinal Newman) Reprinted in part by request.
Grapevine, VOL. III, NO. 2, JULY, 1946 (12 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Habit Formation in a New Personality – R.F.S., Montclair, N. J. (Final article in a trilogy on personality integration. The first article, “What Is the Alcoholic’s Moral Responsibility?” appeared in the November, 1945, issue; the second, “Re-creation of Personality Possible Through Training,” appeared in the May, 1946, issue.—Ed.)
- Veterans of Two Wars Find Help in Own Hospital Group – Fred S., Manhattan
Grapevine, VOL. III, NO. 3, AUGUST, 1946 (12 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- What Are the Enemies of Peace of Mind? – Don G., Jacksonville, Florida.
- Chicago Assures Yearlings a Part on the Platform
- Minneapolis Record Indicates 75% Are Successful in A.A.
Grapevine, VOL. III, NO. 4, SEPTEMBER, 1946 (12 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Looking at Myself, After Six Months in A. A. – B. C., Tucson, Arizona.
- It Can Happen to Anybody!
Grapevine, VOL. III, NO. 5, OCTOBER, 1946 (12 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Women in A.A. Face Special Problems – Grace O., Manhattan
Grapevine, VOL. III, NO. 6, NOVEMBER, 1946 (12 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Sobriety Makes the Price of a Drink Too High – Tom D., Grand Rapids, Mich.
- A Christmas Gift
- More From Bill
Grapevine, VOL. III, NO. 7, DECEMBER, 1946 (12 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- A Miracle at Christmas — a Man Re-born – (WOULD you say that a man who had been drinking for months, who had wound up in a flop house in such shape he could not get out of bed and whose “entire frame shook with convulsive-like tremors”—would you say that man could get up the following morning “clear eyed, his complexion good and … perfectly poised?” Of course not. But that’s what happened in Chicago one Christmas five years ago. Following is an account of the strange happening, written by an A.A. member of the Chicago Group.)
- Lord’s Prayer