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Big Book Stories Edition 1

1. The Doctor’s Nightmare

The Doctor’s Nightmare       I WAS born in a small New England village of about seven thousand souls. The general moral standard was, as I recall...

2. The Unbeliever

The Unbeliever       DULL . . . listless . . . semicomatose . . . I lay on my bed in a famous hospital for alcoholics....

3. The European Drinker

The European Drinker       I WAS born in Europe, in Alsace to be exact, shortly after it had become German and practically grew up with “good...

4. A Feminine Victory

A Feminine Victory       TO MY lot falls the rather doubtful distinction of being the only “lady” alcoholic in our particular section. Perhaps it is because...

5. Our Southern Friend

Our Southern Friend TWO rosy-cheeked children stand at the top of a long hill as the glow of the winter sunset lights up the snow...

6. A Business Man’s Recovery

A Business Man’s Recovery       THE S. S. “Falcon” of the Red D. Line, bound from New York to Maracaibo, Venezuela, glided up the bay, and...

7. A Different Slant

A Different Slant       I PROBABLY have one of the shortest stories in this whole volume and it is short because there is one point I wish...

8. Traveler, Editor, Scholar

Traveler, Editor, Scholar       THE annual post-game banquet was winding up. The last rolling “R” of the speaker’s hearty Caledonian accent died away sonorously. The company...

9. The Back-Slider

The Back-Slider       WHEN I was graduated from high-school the World War was on in full blast. I was too young for the army but old...

10. Home Brewmeister

Home Brewmeister       STRANGELY enough, or by some queer quirk, I became acquainted with the “hilarious life just at the time in my life when I...

11. The Seventh Month Slip

The Seventh Month Slip       AT FOURTEEN years of age, when I should have been at home under the supervision of my parents, I was in...

12. My Wife and I

My Wife and I       COMING from a farm boyhood with the common education of the little red schoolhouse, I had worked during the war and...

13. A Ward of the Probate Court

A Ward of the Probate Court       AT ABOUT the time of my graduation from high school, a state university was established in our city. On...

14. Riding the Rods

Riding the Rods       FOURTEEN years old and strong, I was ready-an American Whittington who knew a better way to get places than by walking. The...

15. The Salesman

The Salesman       I LEARNED to drink in a workmanlike manner when the law of the land said I couldn’t and what started out as a...

16. Fired Again

Fired Again       IT SEEMS to me that I never did do things normally. When I learned to dance I had to go dancing every night...

17. The Fearful One

The Fearful One       WHEN I was 21, I was taken suddenly and violently ill and was ill for seven years. As a result of this...

18. Truth Freed Me!

Truth Freed Me!       IN MAY 1936, after a prolonged period of alcoholism, my friends, my associates, my superiors, and those people who really loved me...

19. Smile with Me, At Me

Smile with Me, At Me       AT THE age of eighteen I finished high school and during my last year there my studies were dropping away...

20. A Close Shave

A Close Shave       THE year 1890 witnessed my advent as the youngest of five sons to a fine Christian mother and a hard working blacksmith...

21. Educated Agnostic

Educated Agnostic       WHY go into the drinking pattern that is so much the same with all of us? Three times I had left the hospital...

22. Another Prodigal Story

Another Prodigal Story “HELLO, Pal.” “Hello, Buddy!” “Have a drink?” “Got one!” “Come over on the next stool I’m lonesome. Hell of a world.” “You...

23. The Car Smasher

The Car Smasher       DURING the first week of March, 1937, through the grace of God, I ended 20 years of a life made practically useless...

24. Hindsight

Hindsight       FIRED! Still, I got a new and better job. One which gave me more time to relax and where drinking was permitted during working...

25. On His Way

On His Way       IN EARLY youth I believe I had some of the tendencies which lead to alcoholism. I refer to attempted escapes from reality....

26. An Alcoholic’s Wife

An Alcoholic’s Wife       I HAVE the misfortune, or I should say the good fortune of being an alcoholic’s wife. I say misfortune because of the...

27. An Artist’s Concept

An Artist’s Concept “There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail...

28. The Rolling Stone

The Rolling Stone       AFTER the breaking up of our home, my Father went west and took up his work and became fairly successful. Then it...

29. Now We Are Thousands

Now We Are Thousands       WHEN this book appeared in April 1939 there were approximately 100 A.A. members. Two thirds of them were at Akron, Ohio,...