Magazine And Newspaper Articles

Alcoholics Anonymous Celebrates Its 50th Year – Saturday Evening Post, August 1985

Alcoholics Anonymous Celebrates Its 50th Year by Baz Edmeades Fifty years ago this summer two men managed to cast off the chains of their alcohol...

Unforgettable Bill W. – Reader’s Digest, April 1986

Unforgettable Bill W. by Bob P. He has been called the greatest social architect of the 20th century He called himself Bill W. As a...

A Drunkard’s Progress – Harper’s Magazine, October 1986

A DRUNKARD’S PROGRESS AA and the sobering strength of myth by “Elpenor” For souls it is death to become water, for water it is death...

When Your Child Drinks – Reader’s Digest, November 1986

When Your Child Drinks Millions of American teenagers have a problem with alcohol. If your son or daughter is among them, help is available by...

The Long Road Back – Newsweek, May 11, 1987

L I F E S T Y L E The Long Road Back ‘After-care’ for drug and alcohol abusers At the Betty Ford Center in...

A Humanist Alternative To A.A.’s Twelve Steps – The Humanist, July/August 1987

A Humanist Alternative To A.A.’s Twelve Steps A human centered approach to conquering alcoholism by B.F. Skinner Several people have told me that they turned...

Getting Better – Encounter, September/October 1987

Getting Better Roger Owen Addiction Units for the treatment of alcohol abuse are not always situated in mental hospitals. The one at which I found...

Out In The Open – Time, November 30, 1987

Cover Story : Out In The Open by Edward W. Desmond Changing attitudes and new research give fresh hope to alcoholics Just before the Betty...

“I’m One Drink Away From A Drunk” – U.S. News And World Report, November 30, 1987

Nan Robertson, author of the forthcoming A.A.: Inside Alcoholics Anonymous, is a journalist and reformed Alcoholic. A New York Times reporter for more than 30...

Alcohol And Free Will – New Republic, December 14, 1987

The Supreme Court reopens an old question Alcohol And Free Will by Robert Wright “He’s a sick person,” says Jane Wyman of Ray Milland. “It’s...

Alcoholics Anonymous – New York Times Magazine, February 21, 1988

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS More youths, blacks, women, homosexuals, Hispanics and alcoholics addicted to other drugs now join A.A. (Adapted from “Getting Better: Inside Alcoholics Anonymous,” by...

Long-Awaited Book On AA Doesn’t Satisfy – Newsweek, April 11, 1988

A Long-Awaited Book On A.A. Doesn’t Satisfy People in Alcoholics Anonymous, dedicated as they are to taking life one day at a time, have nevertheless...

A New Course On Campus: A.A. 101 – Newsweek, November 28, 1988

A New Course On Campus: AA 101 California school takes the pledge At first glance, the wealthy Los Angeles suburb of Pacific Palisades seems an...

The Twelve Step Program: Cure Or Cover? – Utne Reader, November/December 1988

The Twelve Step program: Cure Or Cover? ELLEN HERMAN/OUT/LOOK Anyone who cares to look can find serenity. It leaves tracks: neat rows of folding chairs...

A.A.: Guilt And God For The Gullible – Utne Reader, November/December 1988

AA: Guilt And God For The Gullible After 20 years of heavy drinking, blackouts, DWIs, wrecked cars, and one long stretch in jail, I quit...

Recovery As Process – Utne Reader, November/December 1988

Recovery As Process Anne Wilson Schaef Before I actually tried the Twelve-Step Program, I had many criticisms of it. I initially thought these criticisms were...

Alcoholics Anonymous : From Surrender To Transformation – Utne Reader, November/December 1988

Alcoholics Anonymous: From Surrender To Transformation Why does A.A. work? To answer such a question, we have to take seriously the spiritual basis of the...

Hollywood : God Is Nigh – Newsweek, December 12, 1988

Hollywood: God Is Nigh There are 2,000 AA meetings a week in Los Angeles; will religion make a movie comeback? by Benjamin J. Stein A...

A New Generation Fights Addiction – New York, February 20, 1989

A NEW GENERATION FIGHTS ADDICTION by Phoebe Hoban “You know that ad ‘the night belongs to Michelob’?” asks Marissa,* a 21-year-old gamine in a chartreuse sweater,...

Where Slava Starts Over Again – Time, April 10, 1989

Soviet Scene Moscow Beginners Where Slava Starts Over Again At a meeting of the country’s first A.A. group, alcoholics learn a sort of personal perestroika,...

Very Personal Computing – Newsweek, August 28, 1989

Very Personal Computing Alcoholics Log On Alice hadn’t taken a drink in four months. Even so, she was afraid to venture out at night for...

Unite And Conquer – Newsweek, February 5, 1990

L I F E S T Y L E Unite and Conquer America’s crazy for support groups. Or maybe support groups keep America from going...

The New “EST” – Los Angeles, March 1990

THE NEW ‘EST’ by Kathleen Neumeyer At AA, OA, CA. NA and PA, you can not only lose an addiction, you can network yourself silly-...

It’s A Slap In The Face Of A.A. – Saturday Evening Post, March 1990

EDITORIAL IT’S A SLAP IN THE FACE OF A.A. New legislation designed to open doors for people with disabling diseases may be closing doors to...

Forgoing Church Many Find Help Is 12 Steps Away – Boston Globe Staff, April 29, 1990

FORGOING CHURCH MANY FIND HELP IS 12 STEPS AWAY Author: By Richard Higgins, Boston Globe Staff Date: 04/29/1990 Page: 1 Section: NATIONAL/FOREIGN NEW YORK —...

The Twelve Step Controversy – Ms., November/December 1990

THE TWELVE STEP CONTROVERSY by Charlotte Davis Kasl Drug addiction, codependency, incest, compulsive eating, sex, gambling, and shopping – multitudes of people are using 12-step...

Alcoholics Anonymous – Aging, Fall 1990

The Heart of Treatment for Alcoholism ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: by James J. Hinrichsen, Ph.D.   Ten years ago I was principal investigator on a massive, Federally-funded...

Blitzed – New Republic, April 22, 1991

BLITZED by Joshua Zimmerman My name is Josh and I’m not an alcoholic. In the past a college student with my drinking habits – a...

Clean And Sober – And Agnostic – Newsweek, July 8, 1991

Clean And Sober – And Agnostic Turned off by AA’s religious aspects, new groups are leaving God out of their battle with the bottle On...

Recovery Fever – New York, September 9, 1991

Recovery Fever by Melinda Blau Baby-Boomers and Club Kids are Turning Twelve Step Programs into a 90s Scene (Note: The names of all those identified...

The Intimate Enemy – Modern Maturity, February/March 1992

U N D E R   T H E   I N F L U E N C E THE INTIMATE ENEMY Will that friendly drink betray...

The Happy Humanist – The Humanist, November/December 1992

Albert Ellis THE HAPPY HUMANIST Rational Recovery and the Addiction to 12-Step Therapies Several alternative self-help organizations to Alcoholics Anonymous have sprung up during the...

Confess And Be Happy – New York Times Magazine, February 26, 1995

Confess And Be Happy Hi, I’m Scott, I’m an alcoholic and I killed my girlfriend in 1971 by David Ray The Saturday morning A.A. meeting...

A.A. At The Crossroads – New Yorker, March 20, 1995

A.A. AT THE CROSSROADS Now that America believes less in help-your-fellow than in blame-the-person-who made you-a-victim, can Alcoholics Anonymous still get its message across? by...

Sobering Times For A.A. – Time, July 10, 1995

Sobering Times For A.A. Amid culture clashes and global growth, the group turns 60 by Elizabeth Gleick   Alcoholism used to be a secret held...

Back To Basics For Addicts – Maclean’s, October 21, 1996

BACK TO BASICS FOR ADDICTS The Muckers say A.A. has lost its course. “Up there,” says James, a slim, muscular Bay Street executive in his...

The Drinking Dilemma – U.S. News & World Report, September 8, 1997

C U L T U R E   &   I D E A S The Drinking Dilemma By calling abstinence the only cure, we ensure that...

The 12-Step Habit – Shape, November 1997

the 12 – step habit Should you get with the program? Roberta Pollack Seid, Ph.D. I confess, I really look forward to my stiff cocktail...

The Healer Bill W. – Time, June 14, 1999

100 Heroes and Icons of the 20th Century THE HEALER BILL W. From the rubble of a wasted life, he overcame alcoholism and founded the...

This Story Ran On Page F1 Of The Boston Globe – By David Mehegan, Globe Staff, December 26, 2001

This story ran on page F1 of the Boston Globe. An article by David Mehegan, Globe Staff, 12/26/01. “AA’s growing pains evident in revision of...

Clean And Sober, How Bill W. Founded Alcoholics Anonymous And Helped Millions – Biography, January 2003

Clean and Sober How Bill W. Founded Alcoholics Anonymous and Helped Millions by Bob Frost Lord, it tasted so good, the booze that Bill Wilson...

Moral Re-Armament And Alcoholics Anonymous – Reverend John C. Ford, S.J. – N.C.C.A. “BLUE BOOK”, Vol. 10, 1960

N.C.C.A. “BLUE BOOK”, Vol. 10, 1960 MORAL RE-ARMAMENT AND ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Reverend John C. Ford, S.J. Some of the original inspiration of A.A. came from...

Out Of The Shadows

Peace and sobriety came to this man whose life had been darkened by alcoholism. Through his experiences, he has helped bring hope to others. Out...

Early A.A. Efforts

Early A.A. Efforts This article is written by nationally recognized historian and oft-quoted Alcoholics Anonymous archivist Mitchell K. After Dr. Bob’s last drink, he and...

When The Ones They Love Are Alcoholics

WHEN THE ONES THEY LOVE ARE ALCOHOLICS Most people know about the work done by AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), an organization in which alcoholics help one...

The Compulsive Drinker

THE COMPULSIVE DRINKER Anonymous Alcoholism is a disease which affects different people differently. Whether Americans are more susceptible to it than Europeans is a question,...

Don’t Tell Me I’m Not An Alcoholic

DON’T TELL ME I’M NOT AN ALCOHOLIC by JOHN BOIT MORSE as told to Arthur Gordon Rancho Santa Fe, Calif. Please don’t tell me I’m...

12 Steps For Alcoholics – Richard Lake

12 STEPS FOR ALCOHOLICS by Richard Lake Brushing aside labels, mottoes, and crutches, let’s search for meaning in behavior instead of the bottle. You who...

1963 Harpers Magazine Article

Nationally-distributed Criticism Of AA First Appeared In A 1963 Harpers Magazine Article In January 1963, Harpers Magazine published an article by Dr. Arthur H. Cain...