People In A.A.'s History

People In A.A.’s History

People In A.A.’s History The most comprehensive list ever published about people that are part of the history of Alcoholics Anonymous. Ever wonder who Sister Ignatia, William...

People In AA’s History – Aa

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Aa * A.A.’s & friends at Rockefeller’s dinner – Bill, Dr. Bob, Clarence S., Morgan R., Paul S., Dr. Russell Blaisdell [Rockland State...

People In AA’s History – Bb

People in AA’s History that begin with the letter: Bb * B., Mr. – Toledo’s 1st A.A. hospitalization, in obstetric ward Women’s & Children’s Hospital, only place...

People In AA’s History – Cc

People in AA’s History that begin with the letter: Cc * ‘Captain Jack’ S. – from Maine, captain oil taker; discovered A.A. 1947; organized Internationalist’s Seamen Group...

People In AA’s History – Dd

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Dd * D. S. – wrote Grapevine about Dr. Bob and 11th Tradition (D 264) * Dale A. – Seattle Washington A.A. (A 95) * Dan K. –...

People In AA’s History – Ee

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Ee * E.B. ‘Bob’ R. – his story “He Who Loses His Life” in 2nd and 3rd edition (BB2 540-52u) (BB3 531-43u)...

People In AA’s History – Ff

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Ff * Farragut, Admiral – US naval hero during Civil War, Bill ‘met’ the spirit of one of...

People In AA’s History – Gg

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Gg * G., Mr. – put up money to help Works Publishing Company after Bert T. put tailor shop as...

People In AA’s History – Hh

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Hh * Haas, Father Vincent – newly ordained priest, looked into A.A. for Sister Ignatia, heard confessions from alcoholic...

People In AA’s History – Ii

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Ii * Ian M. – started A.A. New Zealand 1946 (E 42) * ‘Icky’ – ‘nickname “Dynamite Man“ * ‘Ig’ – Dr. Bob’s nickname...

People In AA’s History – Jj

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Jj * J.D.H. – joined A.A. September 1936, 9 or 10 preceded him, Dr. Bob nicknamed him ‘Abercrombie‘,...

People In AA’s History – Kk

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Kk * Kahn, David – philanthropist; wife Lucille; interested in mysticism, psychic phenomena; close Aldous Huxley, Gerald Heard; long time...

People In AA’s History – Ll

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Ll * Ladd, Alan – actor in movie “Shane” (BB#3 333) * Lambert, Dr. Sam – along with Charlie Towns founded Towns Hospital, developed...

People In AA’s History – Mm

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Mm * M., Dr. – 1 of 1st, if not 1st drunk Bill & Dr. Bob tried...

People In AA’s History – Nn

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Nn * N – noted radio commentator, broke anonymity for money raising & publicity (P 309) * Nagle, Father – St. Vincent’s...

People In AA’s History – Oo

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Oo * Oetinger, Fredrich – one of possible authors of Serenity Prayer (P 258n) * ‘Old Tom’ – see Tom M * Olsen, Dr....

People In AA’s History – Pp

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Pp * P., Dr. – early Sacramento A.A. (A 88) * Paddy K. – founded A.A. Boston, amazingly successful at helping others...

People In AA’s History – Qq

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Qq * Quaw, Clayton – firm Quaw & Foley, firm Bill did most stock market investigations for (P 175)

People In AA’s History – Rr

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Rr * ‘R.H.’ – Dr. Bob’s nickname for self, see “Bob S., Dr.” * ‘R.H.S., Dr.’ – Dr. Bob’s nickname...

People In AA’s History – Ss

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Ss * Sackville O’C. M.– member Dublin group, noted as worlds champion at helping AA’s by mail,...

People In AA’s History – Tt

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Tt * ‘T.’ – Dr. Bob’s nickname daughter after character Hortensia Twitchbottom (C 128) * Tall Man – Maliseet Indian, Maynard B’s father (BB3 474-6) * Ted –...

People In AA’s History – Uu

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Uu * Uncle Clarence – Bill got violin belonging him, learned play (P 31) * ‘Uncle Dick’ – see “Richardson, Reverend Willard...

People In AA’s History – Vv

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Vv * Val D. – founder A.A. South Africa 1946, sobered up reading Big Book (A 85) (E 46) * Veikko K. –...

People In AA’s History – Ww

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Ww * W.W. – Yale University proposed initials conveying honorary Doctor Laws degree to protect Bill’s anonymity (H 206-207) (P 313)...

People In AA’s History – Xx

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Xx *Mr. X. – what Dr. Harry Tiebout called “Bill W” in papers when quoting him; also used to...

People In AA’s History – Zz

People In AA’s History that begin with the letter: Zz * Zerelda – spent night with Wilson’s (P 335)