A.A. Pamphlets History List
Research for this document was done by a member of the ‘Show Me Group’
Would you like to help in completing the accuracy’s of this document of A.A. Pamphlets? I encourage you to make contact with your additions, corrections & modifications to this document!
Here’s a list of ‘AA pamphlets’. Most all are Conference-approved or GSO service materials. Remember, Conference-approved translates into ‘no earlier than 1951 when the Conference was formed’. AA did have and use pamphlets before that time which were published by individuals, groups, the Grapevine, our various central offices, as well as by GSO in New York. Some of these are listed at the end in the Pre Conference and Out of Print section.
Older out of print pamphlets are often hard to locate and document. For these I have relied heavily on Advisory Actions of the General Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous 1951-2000 (M-39) published by AAWS. This unfortunately yields only documentation on pre-1951 pamphlets which were later considered (revised, renamed, etc) by our yearly Conferences.
Current pamphlets I have listed, first by the date, followed by pamphlet name then GSO tracking number. The dates I use are the copyright dates taken from the pamphlets themselves, or when they were first mentioned in Advisory Actions …. Some list multiple copyright and or revision dates and I am listing them under the earliest date given. Older pamphlets, mentioned in Advisory Actions …, I am listing under the earliest year of their mention. Some pamphlets have copyright notices but no date and these I list after those with known dates. In all the catagories I tried to note if they were reprinted from other sources, giving copyright dates and the original source, which isn’t always the same as when GSO began reprinting them as ‘AA pamphlets’.
I also include mention of pamphlets that were considered and dropped before they were distributed within the fellowship.
Additionally, I’ve included mention of a few items from Advisory Actions … which were more general actions having an impact on our pamphlets.
There are some problems with this list:
A few pamphlets I have and can see their copyright dates, yet there is mention of them by Advisory Actions … at an earlier date! Perhaps, there may have been two different pamphlets with the same name (Is AA For You is one example of this) at different times or there may have been major revisions warranting a new copyright date. There is also a problem with AA in Hospitals ( in 1979 renamed How And Why AA Members Carry The AA Message Into Treatment Centers, then in 1986 renamed AA In Treatment Facilities). The actual copy of my pamphlet lists the copyright as 1961, yet from Advisory Actions … the conference first discussed the need for the pamphlet in 1964!?! I’ll leave questions like that up to others to clarify. At this point, I am leaving them under the date of the copyright actually in the pamphlet, adding notes about mention at other times.
There may also be problems with some of the pamphlets names from Advisory Actions … . Some of their notes are clearly abreviated names, unfortunately some of our pamphlets have very similar sounding names (the ‘Clergy’ pamphlets) and those references aren’t always clear, at least to me. Some of the names in Advisory Actions … also refer to ‘working titles’ which aren’t always the same as the names used when the pamphlets were finally published. This is why some of the references below have question marks by them.
Then there are some problems with dates. Those in Advisory Actions … are for the Conferences that dealt with the pamphlets, while copyright dates on the pamphlets are for when they are actually published. Sometimes there has been a lag time between the Conference approving the publishing of material and when it actually ‘rolled off the presses’. Usually this represents only a years difference between approval and publication. It is expecially noticable in the Membership Surveys. The other problem with dates are when the conference discusses and suggests new material. Sometimes there has only been a years difference between this and actual publication, other times is has approached ten years.
Also, in my mind, we have books and pamphlets. In GSO’s mind we have books, booklets, notebooks, folders, pamphlets, guidelines, memeos, flyers and service material. Possibly even more categories. What I include references for here are things that I might see on local groups pamphlet shelf, irrespective of what the official designation for them are.
Jack Alexander Article (P-12) (c.1941 by Saturday Evening Post, “reprinted since 1941 by special permission”.) When first reprinted the pamphlet name was the same as the actual article, sometime later the pamphlet was renamed the Jack Alexander Article. (? when it gained it’s current Conference-approved status? Probably when it was renamed.)
44 Questions (P-2) (see 1988)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg 50):
– also a revision of Medicine Looks at AA. (see Pre Conference section)
– a supplement for the Third Legacy pamphlet be introduced.
Letter to a Woman Alcoholic (P-14) (Reprinted from Good Housekeeping, c. 1954)
the Conference Literature Committee recommended that:
– Your Third Legacy and Your Role in General Service Conference (see 1956) be combined.
– Structure and Services of AA and Your General Service be combined.
AA Tradition–How it Developed (P-17) (see Pre Conference section)
AA Fact File (M-24)
the Conference Literature Committee recommended that:
– a folder on the General Service Rep plan based on an extract from Third Legacy Manual (renamed AA Service Manual) be prepared. (?see 1965, 1980 and No Date section?)
– an instructive folder Is AA For You be prepared. (see 1970, 1973, 1975, 1978, 1988)
– a new version of Your Role in the General Service Conference (see 1954) be prepared.
– a group AA Exchange Bulletin (now Box 4-5-9) be instituted
Problems Other Than Alcohol (F-8) (c. Grapevine, Feb 1958). (see 1970, 1974, 1979, 1982)
Let’s Be Friendly With Our Friends (P-34) (c. Grapevine, March 1958) (see 1974)
The Conference Public Information Committee that (pg. 61):
– a report in question and answer form was prepared and approved by the General Service Conference. It was then referred to the Literature Committee with the suggestion that this fact file containing a sharing of experience on A A’s relation with outside organizations be published as a pamphlet. (This material was incorporated in a revision of the pamphlet Cooperation But Not Affiliation in 1962.)
AA in Treatment Centers (P-27) (?problem with dates here? – see 1964).
Members of the Clergy Ask About Alcoholics Anonymous (P-25) (?see 1970, 1986, 1987)
Memo to an Inmate who may be an Alcoholic (P-9)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 51):
– a pamphlet AA in Hospitals similar to AA in Prisons be prepared. (originally AA in Hospitals, in 1979 renamed How And Why AA Members Carry The AA Message Into Treatment Centers, then in 1986 renamed AA In Treatment Facilities – also see 1961) ( AA in Prisons broken into two pamphlets AA in Correctional Facilities and Message to Correctional Facilities Administrators in 1988, then A Message To Correctional Facilities Administrators renamed A Message To Correctional Professionals in 1997).
AA Group (P-16)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 51):
– a new GSR pamphlet be prepared following the suggestions outlined by the GSB Literature Committee. (?see 1956, 1980 and No Date section?)
AA in Your Community (P-31) (see 1980, 1981)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 51):
– idea of cartoon format for AA literature be further explored & developed to reach alcoholics unable to read well or at all.
– a Guide to Leading Newcomer Meetings be prepared as soon as possible. (M-1, no date)
the Conference Literature Committee (pg. 51-2):
– reported that The AA Way of Life was greatly anticipated.
– noted enthusiatic reception of comic book pamphlet What Happened to Joe. (see 1985)
– the possibility of translating What Happened to Joe into Spanish.
– expressed interest in upcoming revisions of AA for the Woman (see 1968), Young People in AA (see 1969, 1973, 1986), and Questions and Answers on Sponsorship” (see 1970, 1974, 1976, 1994).
AA for the Woman (P-5)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 52):
– brief mimeo service material (not Guidelines format) be prepared to provide listing of source material – Conference-approved literature as an aid to closed meeting discussion topics. (?see No Date section)
It was recommended by the Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee that (pg. 32):
-the Committee approved Suggestions for Improving AA’s Relation the Medical Profession and the Community and recommended that it be made available to all AA groups.
It was recommended by the Conference Public Information Committee that (pg. 62):
– the committee reviewed and approved the pamphlet The Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous, with minor changes.
AA’s Legacy of Service (P-44) (reprint from AA Service Manual)
Young People and AA (P-4) (see 1967, 1973, 1986)
Member’s-Eye View of Alcoholics Anonymous (P-41)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 52):
– occassionally group discussion center around Conference-approved pamphlets such as Sponsorship (?see 1967, 1974, 1976, 1994), Is AA for You? (see 1956, 1973, 1975, 1978, 1988), This is AA (see 1978, 1984, 1988) or any of the others that would be suitable for such discussion.
– The Grapevine reprints of of Bill’s articles Problems Other Than Alcohol (see 1958, 1974, 1979, 1982) and Why Alcoholics Anonymous is Anonymous (see 1975) be considered by AAWS.
– A Clergyman Looks at AA be considered for revision. (?see 1961, 1986, 1987)
Twelve Steps Illustrated (P-55) (see 1987, 1991)
Twelve Traditions Illustrated (P-43)
Traditions Checklist from ‘AA Grapevine’, (c. by Grapevine Nov 1969 through Sept 1971)
It was recommended by the Conference Public Information Committee that (pg. 62):
– A Student’s Guide To Alcoholics Anonymous be accepted for publication with minor revision. (renamed Brief Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous in 1972)
Brief Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous (P-42) (formally A Student’s Guide To AA see 1971)(see 1980)
Co-Founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (P-53)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 52):
– the Group Inventory material submitted to the committee be recommended as possible service material. (?was this the Traditions Checklist from the ‘AA Grapevine’ from 1971, the inventory questions in the AA Group pamphlet or something else?)
Is AA For You? (P-3) (edited, shorter version from 1956) (see 1956, 1970, 1975, 1978, 1988)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 52):
– the preparation of an illustrated or cartoon style Young People and AA pamphlet be explored. (see 1967, 1969, 1986)
AA and the Armed Services (P-50) (?see 1986)
How AA Members Cooperate With Professionals (P-29) (originally How AA Members Cooperate with Other Community Efforts to Help Alcoholics see 1994)
Inside AA (P-18) (see 1980)
Speaking at Non-AA Meetings (P-40) [I’ve heard from another they have a version dated 1972.] (see 1979)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 52):
-the pamphlet Questions and Answers on Sponsorship be reviewed and rewritten to include Twelfth Step calls & sponsorship, with a new suggested title Twelfth Step Calls and Sponsorship. (see 1967, 1970, 1976, 1994)
– in memory of AA’s co founders, the last talk of each be prepared in pamphlet form:
Bill’s Last Message (M-12) (no publication date)
Dr. Bob’s Farewell Talk (M-16) (no publication date)
– the Grapevine reprints Why Alcoholics Anonymous is Anonyous (see 1970, 1975), Let’s Be Friendly With Our Friends (see 1958), and Problems Other than Alcohol (see 1958, 1974, 1979, 1982) be prepared in standard pamphlet format.
– the Literature Committee explore the need for a pamphlet on taking the Fourth and Fifth Steps. (1979 & 1985 Conferences also decided these are explained well enough in Big Book and 12&12).
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 52-3):
– the original Is AA for You? pamphlet be dropped and the simplified version be used. (see 1956, 1970, 1973, 1978, 1988)
– The Alcoholic Husband and The Alcoholic Wife be combined into pamphlet called The Alcoholic Mate or another appropriate title. (see 1976 & Pre Conference section)
– the reprints Why Alcoholics Anonymous is Anonymous (see 1970, 1974), Our Critics Can Be Our Benefactors, and AA as a Community Resource be dropped.
It was recommended by the Conference Report and Charter Committee that (pg. 23):
– In order to familiarize AA’s (at group level) with the Twelve Concepts, the trustees literature Committee consider publishing the Twelve Concepts in pamphlet form similar to The Twelve Traditions Illustrated. (see 1986)
Do You Think You’re Different? (P-13) (edited and retitled version of So You Think You’re Different?)
Is There an Alcoholic in Your Life? (P-30)
Questions and Answers on Sponsorship (P-15) (see 1967, 1970, 1974, 1994)
Your AA General Service Office (F-6) (see 1980)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 53):
– the new title of the combined pamphlets The Alcoholic Husband and The Alcoholic Wife be Is there an Alcoholic in Your Life with subtitle “AA’s Message of Hope”. (see 1975 & Pre Conference section)
– the new title of the teenage cartoon pamphlet be Teenagers and AA. (?see 1977, 1988)
– action on pamphlets directed to special groups of alcoholics be deferred until after publication of Do You Think You’re Different?.
Too Young? (P-37) (?see 1976)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 53):
– the proposal on Living Sober Longer not be pursued further as there is insufficient need for such a pamphlet.
– suggested that AA groups be discouraged from selling literature not distributed by GSO and the Grapevine.
It was recommended by the Conference Public Information Committee that (pg. 63):
– GSO prepare a one sheet flyer about AA. In addition to distributing the flyer to local P I committees, students, and civic groups, it would be helpful to distribute it to general service representatives and group secretaries. (? see no date section)
Circles of Love and Service (P-45) (see 1980)
Where Do I Go From Here? (F-4) (see 1980)
Carrying the Message Inside the Walls (F-05) (see 1980, revised in 1989 and renamed Carrying The Message Into Correctional Facilities)
Alcoholics Anonymous Membership Survey (P-48) (surveys done in 1977, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1996, 1998, 2001 ?other years)(the pamphlet I have is copyright 1997 with the 1996 survey. Preceding list of dates are those of actual surveys, not necessarily of the pamphlets themselves)
It was recommended by the Conference Policy and Admissions Committee (Conference Policy) that (pg. 15):
– talks made by Bill and Bern Smith, beginning with the first General Service Conference in 1951, be circulated to the Conference and trustees Literature Committee so that consideration could be given to making this material available to the fellowship in printed form.
It was recommended by the Correctional Facilities Committee that (pg. 36):
– the manuscript of the new inmate pamphlet, It Sure Beats Sitting in a Cell, be accepted pending mail-poll approval by the committee of the final edited version and illustrations; that production then proceed under the direction of the trustees Committee on Correctional Facilities, with the word “hell” being omitted from the title; and that consideration be given to the use of color illustrations if financially feasible.(see 1979)
It was recommended by the Finance Committee that (pg. 41):
– a new pamphlet on Finance, in at least two colors, be prepared and distributed to stressing self support through the 60-30-10 Plan. How the 60-30-10 Plan helps carry the AA message around the world and that the title of the pamphlet be Self Supporting? The 60-30-10 Plan. (see 1980)
It was recommended by the Conference Public Information Committee that (pg. 63):
– the following items be added to the PI kit:
AA At A Glance (F-1)(see 1980), Is AA For You? (see 1956, 1970, 1973, 1975, 1988), This Is AA (see 1970, 1984, 1988), and a one sheet piece describing the display and how to order it.
It Sure Beats Sitting in a Cell (P-33) (see 1978)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 53-4):
– the pamphlet for the older alcoholic be approved by the Conference with the title Now It’s Time to Start Living and subtitle “Stories of Those Who Came to AA in Their Later Years”. (renamed Time to Start Living in 1980, replace by AA For the Older Alcoholic in 2001)(see 1980, 1991, 2001)
It was recommended by the Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee that (pg. 33):
– Problems Other Than Alcohol be Conference-approved. (see 1958, 1970, 1974, 1982)
It was recommended by the Conference Public Information Committee that (pg. 64):
– the mail-poll approval given for the changes made in the pamphlets Understanding Anonymity (see 1981) and Speaking At Non-AA Meetings (see 1974) to reflect the 1978 Conference indication that most AA Members use first names only when speaking at non AA meetings be reaffirmed.
It was recommended by the Conference Committee on Treatment Facilities that (pg. 68):
– the Conference approve the pamphlet How And Why AA Members Carry The AA Message Into Treatment Centers (formerly AA In Hospitals see 1961, 1964, then again renamed AA In Treatment Facilities in 1986).
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 54):
– change the title of the pamphlet Now It’s Time to Start Living to Time to Start Living.(see 1979, 1991, 2001)
– the following pamphlets, leaflets and flyers be approved: Where Do I Go From Here? (see1978) , Your AA GSO (see 1976), GSR (?see 1956, 1965, and No Date section), Self Supporting? The 60-30-10 Plan (see 1978), Inside AA (see 1974), Carrying the Message Inside the Walls (see 1978), Circles of Love and Service (see 1978), AA in Your Community (see 1966, 1981 and below), AA at a Glance (see 1978), The AA Member, If You Are a Professional (see 1986).
It was recommended by the Correctional Facilities Committee that (pg. 36):
– a new pamphlet aimed at the dually addicted inmate not be considered it at this time.
It was recommended by the Conference Public Information Committee that (pg. 64):
– AA In Your Community (see 1966, 1981) be discontinued since this pamphlet is so much like A Brief Guide (see 1972) and AA At A Glance. (see 1978)
Alcoholics Anonymous and Employee Assistance Programs (P-54) (originally published as AA and Occupational Alcoholism Programs, in 1989 renamed AA and Employee Assistance Programs, revised and again renamed Is There an Alcoholic in the Workplace? in 1998)
Newcomer Asks (P-24) (originally from Great Britian)
Understanding Anonymity (P-47) (older pamphlet rewritten with new copyright date – see 1979).
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 54):
– a subcommittee be formed to review existing pamphlets with an eye to which should be combined or dropped; their report to be given to the 1982 Conference.
– suggestion to include the Twelve Traditions in all pamphlets when feasible.
It was recommended by the Conference Report and Charter Committee that (pg. 24):
– The AA Service Manual and Twelve Concepts for World Service be combined into one volume.
It was recommended by the Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee that (pg. 33):
– the leaflet AA in Your Community be reinstated as General Service Conference-approved literature and put back into distribution as soon as possible. (see 1966, 1980)
Supporting the AA Support System (F-03)
AA as a Resource for the Medical Profession (P-23) (in 1992 revised and renamed AA as a Resource for the Health Care Professional)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 54):
– suggestion to seek Conference approval for Problems Other Than Alcohol (Excerpts) be approved. (see 1958, 1970, 1974, 1979)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 54-5):
– distribution of the pamphlet The AA Member and Drug Abuse be continued until it is revised for consideration by the 1984 Conference. (replaced by The AA Member – Medications and Other Drugs in 1984).
AA Member – Medications and Other Drugs (P-11) (replaced The AA Member and Drug Abuse)
This Is AA (P-1) (see 1970, 1978, 1988)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 55):
– a pamphlet or manual for AA central offices / intergroups not be developed.
It was recommended by the Conference Committee on Treatment Facilities that (pg. 69):
– the Guidelines on Correctional and Treatment Facilities Committees be separated.
It Happened to Alice (P-39)
What Happened to Joe (P-38) |both these got new illustrations this year (see 1967)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 55):
– a condensed version of the Twelve Concepts would be especially valuable to service workers, the manuscript be reproduced and distributed by GSO as service material.
If You Are a Professional (P-46) (new version of older pamphlet see 1980)
Twelve Concepts for World Service Illustrated (P-8) (see 1975)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 55-6):
– the following pamphlets be updated if possible and presented to the 1987 Conference: Young People and AA (see 1967, 1969, 1973), AA and the Armed Forces (?see 1974)
– AAWS editorial staff continue to degenderize AA literature with the exception of Bill W’s writings as the items are reprinted.
It was recommended by the Conference Agenda Committee that (pg. 9):
– one of the discussion topics for the 1987 Conference be “Publishing – Too Much?”
It was recommended by the Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee that (pg. 34):
– in the pamphlet A Clergyman Asks About Alcoholics Anonymous in the fifth paragraph on page 8, the sentence which reads “newcomers are encouraged to attend one or more meetings a week” be changed to “newcomers are encouraged to attend meetings as frequently as possible.” (renamed The Clergy Asks … in 1987)(?see ?1961, ?1970)
It was recommended by the Finance Committee that (pg. 42):
– the Finance cartoon flyer be changed.
It was recommended by the Conference Committee on Treatment Facilities that (pg. 69):
– the title of the pamphlet AA In Treatment Centers be changed to AA In Treatment Facilities (see 1961, 1964, 1979)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 56):
– the following statement regarding AA’s primary purpose be available as an AA service piece: “THIS IS A CLOSED MEETING OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS” (the blue cards we have today, opposite side is read for OPEN meetings).
It was recommended by the Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee that (pg. 34):
– The title of the pamphlet A Clergyman Asks be changed to The Clergy Asks when it comes up for reprint (see ?1961, ?1970, 1986,)
It was recommended by the Correctional Facilities Committee that (pg. 37):
– a recommendation to develop a simplified Twelve Steps Illustrated pamphlet to carry the message to the illiterate inmate not be accepted by the Conference. (see 1971, 1991)
It was recommended by the Conference Grapevine Committee that (pg. 47):
– no changes or additions be made to the Preamble.
AA in Correctional Facilities (P-26)
Message to Correctional Facilities Administrators (P-20) (revised and renamed A Message To Correctional Professionals in 1997) (– these two pamphlets replaced AA in Prisons, see note below)
Message to Teenagers (F-9) (?see 1976, 1977)
Your DCM (F-12)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 57):
– the article in April/May issue of Box 4-5-9 entitled “Service Sponsorship: A Vital Stepping Stone to Service and Sobriety” be prepared as a service piece. (see 1994)
– a more simplified draft of the easy to read illustrated pamphlet Is AA for You? be prepared for consideration by the 1989 Conference. (see 1956, 1970, 1973, 1975, 1978)
– This is AA (see 1970, 1978, 1984) and 44 Questions (see 1952) as illustrated flyers not be published at this time.
– the Primary Purpose Card continue as a service piece. (?see 1987)
– reaffirmed that ‘Any factual or statistical information may be updated whenever practical without having to go through the process of Conference Action, ie. whenever inventory runs low, a new survey is completed, etc. In addition, minor copy cuts to make room for new material added to puplication may be made when necessary.’ And further affirmed, ‘That any other changes made in the substance of the Conference-approved literature shall be through the Conference process.’
It was recommended by the Conference Report and Charter Committee that (pg. 27):
– The letter “S” be used as a prefix for the first set of page numbers in The AA Service Manual/Twelve Concepts for World Service, so as to differentiate between the two sets of page numbers.
It was recommended by the Correctional Facilities Committee that (pg. 37 ):
– the pamphlet AA In Prisons be replaced with two separate revisions of the material: (1) an easy to read pamphlet for inmates and outside AA’s interested in starting an AA groups in correctional facilities, (2) a brief pamphlet or leaflet to provide information about AA to administrators of correctional facilities. (Both listed above. see 1964, 1997)
AA and the Gay/Lesbian Alcoholic (P-32)
AA for the Native North American (P-21)
Carrying the Message Into Correctional Facilities (F-5) (replaced Carrying The Message Inside The Walls see 1978, 1980)
Is AA for Me (P-36)
It was recommended by the Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee that (pg. 34):
– the revised text of the pamphlet AA and Occupational Alcoholism Programs be approved with minor changes, and the title of the pamphlet be changed to AA and Employee Assistance Programs. (see 1981, revised and renamed Is There an Alcoholic in the Workplace? in 1998)
Self Supporting Through Our Own Contributions (F-3)
it was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 58):
– the proposal for a pamphlet on the spiritual aspects of AA not be approved because there is not sufficient need at this time.
Bridging the Gap (P-49)
Time to Start Living (P-7) (replaced by AA for the Older Alcoholic in 2001)(see 1979, 1980)
It was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 58):
– the proposed Twelve Steps Illustrated pamphlet be published in response to an expressed need for similar literature (see 1971, 1987)
– the questionnaires in 7 Conference-approved pamphlets not be standardized, as the questions in each are targeted to specific populations.
AA as a Resource for the Health Care Professional (P-23) (replaced AA as a Resource for the Medical Profession -see1982)
It was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 58-9):
– the 6 point definition of an AA group the removed from all literature and replaced by the long form of Tradition Three and a section of Warranty Six, Concept Twelve.
It was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 59):
– AAWS produce an anonymity display card (yellow cards) with the following verbiage: “anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions. Please respect this and treat in confidence who you see and what you hear.” (see 1995)
It was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 59-60):
– the text of material on ‘Service Sponsorship’ submitted by the trustees literature committee be included in the pamphlet Question and Answers on Sponsorship when current inventory is depleted. (see 1967, 1970, 1974, 1976, 1994)
– the circle and triangle logo be discontinued on all Conference-approved literature.
– the words ‘this is a general service Conference-approved literature’ be displayed on the front cover all AA Conference-approved literature whenever possible.
It was recommended by the Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee that (pg. 35):
– the changes to How AA Members Cooperate with Other Community Efforts to Help Alcoholics, prepared by the trustees CPC Committee, be approve with additional changes. The the pamphlets title be changed to How AA Members Cooperate with Professionals with the subheading “Cooperation, But Not affiliation.” (see 1974)
Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix (F-3)
It was recommended by the Conference Literature Committee that (pg. 60):
– a video on ways that GSO serves the Fellowship be developed, with accompanying service pamphlet.
It was recommended by the Conference Public Information Committee that (pg. 67):
– the Anonymity Statement Card (yellow card), revised to include anonyminity reminders regarding videotaping and full names on audiotapes be approved. (see 1993)
It was recommended by the Conference Grapevine Committee that (pg. 47):
– a manuscript be developed for pamphlet providing basic information on the AA Grapevine magazine and its place in Alcoholics Anonymous and be brought to the 1997 Conference for approval.
It was recommended by the Correctional Facilities Committee that (pg. 38):
– the name of the pamphlet, A Message To Correctional Facilities Administrators be changed to A Message To Correctional Professionals and that the following two paragraphs from the pamphlet If You Are a Professional be included: “AA wants to work with you” and “What AA Does Not Do”. (see 1964, 1988)
It was recommended by the Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee that (pg. 36):
– the draft revision of the pamphlet to replace AA and Employee Assistance Programs be approved with the title Is There an Alcoholic in the Workplace? (see 1981, 1989)
AA for the Older Alcoholic (P-22) (replaced Time to Start Living -see 1979, 1980, 1991)
Can AA Help Me Too? Black / African Americans Share Their Stories (P-51)
AA’s Public Information Policy (?see 1977?)
GSR May Be the Most Important Job in AA (P-19) (?see 1956, 1965, 1980?)
Information on Alcoholics Anonymous (F-2) (?see 1977)
Memo to an AA Group Treasurer (F-96)
Suggested Topics for Discussion Meetings (?see 1968)
Three Talks to Medical Societies by Bill W., Co-founder of AA (P-6)
listed by the name on the cover + “Also Known As” (AKA) names
Mr. X and Alcoholics Anonymous, which was a reprint of a sermon given in 1939 by Dr. Dilworth Lupton of the Cleveland Unitarian Church praising the work of AA there. It was first distributed by the Cleveland group.
AA (AKA The Houston Pamphlet). Said to be the first of the early pamphlets printed in NY by the Alcoholic Foundation. A series of six articles written by Larry J for the Houston Press newspaper. The earliest of the articles it re-printed was published Feb 8, 1940. This 28 page pamphlet was first printed by the Foundation in April 1940. The pamphlet also includes Dr.Silkworth’s article from the Lancet Journal. I have heard reports that this pamphlet may have been revised in 1943 after Larry J’s death.
Alcoholics Anonymous, An Interpretation of the 12 Steps (AKA Tablemate Guide or the Detroit Pamphlet). The Detroit, Akron and Washington DC (among other) groups began printing this during the 1940’s. It is still distributed by Detroit’s Intergroup. (None of the three versions of this pamphlet I have seen have dates or copyright info.)
The Cleveland Four Absolutes Pamphlet put out by the Cleveland group/s or Central Committee. Probably dates to the 1940’s.
Impressions of AA from the Chicago Group (sometime during the 1940’s). Reportedly written by Judge John T.
Intro To AA pamphlet put out by the Philadelphia Group, 1537 Pine Street (early 1940’s). Q&A format for newcomers.
What About the Alcoholic Employee? Distributed during the 1940’s by the Alcoholic Foundation. Re-print of Chapter 10 from Big Book.
The Akron Manual (1941) pamphlet/booklet distributed by the King’s School Group of Akron. An Akron archivist reports, Dr. Bob commisssioned Evan Williams to write this pamphlet for beginners as he felt the Big Book was too complicated for some of the newcomers.
Guide to the Twelve Steps
Second Reader For Alcoholics Anonymous
Spiritual Milestones in AA all three were first published in the 1940’s (probably after the Akron Manual) by the King’s School Group in Akron. Still being distributed by Akron Intergroup.
AA Sponsorship… Its Opportunities and Its Responsibilities by Clarence S (1944), distributed by the Cleveland Central Committee.
AA Tradition – How It Developed, by The Alcoholic Foundation, 1947. (see 1955)
About the Alcoholic Husband, by The Alcoholic Foundation, 1947. Reprint of Chaper 8, To Wives, from the Big Book. (combined with The Alcoholic Wife and renamed Is there an Alcoholic in Your Life) (see 1975, 1976).
Medicine Looks at Alcoholics Anonymous by Works Publishing Inc 1949. This pamphlet is a reprint of papers/talks presented to the American Psychiatric Association by Harry Tiebout, May 1943 and to The Medical Society of the State of New York by Bill W., May 1944. (see 1953)
The Society of Alcoholics Anonymous by William W., Co-founder, reprinted by Works Publishing Inc (date unknown). Reprints an article which appeared in The American Journal of Psychiatry, Nov 1949.
AA – God’s Instrument (AKA Why We Were Chosen – which is actually an abreviated form of the whole) (before 1950) originally and still printed by Chicago Central Office. AA talk that was given by a Judge John T in 1943 at the fourth anniversary dinner of the Chicago Group.
High Road to Happiness (late 1940’s early 1950’s) distributed by the Brighter Side Group of Waterloo, Iowa. a 20 page guide to the Steps.
AA…A Uniquely American Phenomenon Feb 1951, Fortune magazine article about AA. GSO reprinted this in pamphlet form.
The Alcoholic Wife – A Message To Husbands, 1954. (combined with The Alcoholic Husband and renamed Is there an Alcoholic in Your Life) (see 1975, 1976).
Respecting Money by Bill W.(Co-Founder). This pamphlet is a reprint of an article from the Nov. 1957 Grapevine. In it, Bill explains how AA has handled and should handle the problems of money.