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Alcoholics Anonymous History In Your Area – IDAA (International Doctors In Alcoholics Anonymous)

Alcoholics Anonymous History In Your Area
IDAA (International Doctors in Alcoholics Anonymous)
History and Objectives

Founded – 1949

International Doctors in Alcoholics Anonymous had its origins in the garage of Dr. Clarence P. in upstate New York in 1949. Attendance by doctors from the U.S., three from Canada, and the presence of a psychologist as well as physicians made the meeting both international and interdisciplinary. Since that time, early August meetings have been held in major cities around the continent. The format has changed to some degree, but in the main, consists of good, fundamental AA meetings, with excellent speakers focused on the basics. IDAA meetings are truly a family affair for many. A strong Alateen focus has evolved. Al-Anon meetings have been held since 1975. There are break-out and small group sessions dealing with special interests, couples, communication, and other issues of interest to the doctor in recovery. For some time there have also been co-sponsored scientific presentations, carrying CME credits, addressing the state of the art in the field of alcoholism and allied diseases, which have often preceded the Friday meeting.

IDAA now numbers approximately 4,500 women and men who have, or are in preparation for, doctorate degrees in the health care profession. We are physicians in nearly every specialty, dentist, veterinarians, educators, psychologists, and others. There is only one strictly confidential listing of members, and this is held by the Executive Director in the IDAA Central Office. Any communication with individual members occurs only with the permission of all parties. Our basic aims are those of Alcoholics Anonymous. Our primary purpose is to carry the message of recovery to other alcoholics, particularly alcoholic doctors and their families. Through association with our group, many of us have become better able to solve our common problem, and problems in common. There are no dues, although there is a modest registration fee at the annual meeting, covering costs of the meeting, expenses for the year, and a contribution to GSO. We are self-supporting through our own contributions. The only requirement for membership is the doctor’s desire to belong.

Since its inception in 1949 in Dr. Clarence P.’s garage in upstate New York, two outstanding and dedicated doctors have guided IDAA:

Luke K. Reed, MD 1960 — 1987
C Richard McK., MD 1987 — 2002

IDAA is eternally grateful for their many years of service to the organization

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