Alcoholics Anonymous History In Your Area
Bayou George, Florida
AA growth in District 15 continued to flourish with yet another new group being formed in October 1988. Founded by Cherie H., and John (Andy) A. the “Bayou George Group” of AA held its first meeting on October 29, 1988, in the Bayou George Volunteer Fire Department Association building.
Early members of the Bayou George Group included Cherie H., John (Andy) A., AnneG., DanS., and GerryB. Meetings were held every Saturday at 8:00 p.m.
Initially, the Bayou George Group’s meeting place presented some hardships since there was no bathroom facility nor running water available. However, the new group was able to cope with this situation pending remodeling.
The first birthday to be celebrated in the Bayou George Group was held in February 1989 when Gerry B. racked up five years of continuous sobriety. Other birthdays celebrated in 1989 included Cherie B., with nine years and John (Andy) A., with six years.
In February, 1989, the Bayou George Group of AA was formally registered by the General Service Office of AA.
Current membership in the Bayou George Group totals six members who have been in regular attendance.
The Bayou George Group continues to meet every Saturday evening at 8:00 p.m. at the same location. This meeting is an open discussion meeting.
Copyright © Alcoholics Anonymous Panama City, Florida