This page contains the 1st few years of the Grapevine monthly magazine in their entirety: Vol. I, No. 8, January, 1945 to Vol. II, No. 7, December, 1945.
Grapevine, VOL. I, NO. 8, JANUARY, 1945 (8 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Bill Cunningham, Top-Flight Columnist Likes Being an A.A. “Side-Line Rooter” – Bill Cunningham, Columnist, The Boston Herald, Boston, Massachusetts
Grapevine, VOL. I, NO. 9, FEBRUARY, 1945 (8 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Dr. Powdermaker Discusses the Role of a Psychiatrist in Alcoholics Anonymous – Florence Powdermaker, M.D.
- Medical Wards Now for N.Y. Alcoholics
Grapevine, VOL. I, NO. 10, MARCH, 1945 (8 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Dr. Sam Parker of Kings County Suggest “Criteria for A.A. Work in Hospitals” – Sam Parker, M. D., Chief of the Psychiatric Division, Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Grapevine, VOL. I, NO. 11, APRIL, 1945 (8 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Big Light can be Shed on Alcoholism If AAs Fill This In and Return to Grapevine – (questionnaire)
Grapevine, VOL. I, NO. 12, MAY, 1945 (8 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Jack Alexander of Sat Eve Post Fame Thought A.A.’s Were Pulling His Leg – Jack Alexander, The Saturday Evening Post, Philadelphia, Pa.
- Memo to All June Subscribers – The Grapevine Staff
Grapevine, VOL. II, NO. 1, JUNE, 1945 (8 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- A Prescription for Sobriety – (Editor’s Note: In the opinion of the stuff, the importance of the following interview lies in the fact that it represents the deductions of a man who is in the unique position of being able to appraise A. A. as both an “insider” and an “outsider, ” as both an old friend of
- A.A. and an M.D. who began working with alcoholics long before A. A, was conceived. )
10th Birthday Celebrations
Grapevine, VOL. II, NO. 2, JULY, 1945 (8 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Epic Gathering Marks Tenth Anniversary
- Where the AA Beacon Was Lit
Grapevine, VOL. II, NO. 3, AUGUST, 1945 (8 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Modesty One Plank for Good Public Relations – Bill W.
- If You Move
Grapevine, VOL. II, NO. 4, SEPTEMBER, 1945 (8 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- A Postwar Challenge: How to Help the Veteran? – A. T., Manhattan (Editor’s Note: The war’s end is only the beginning of a personal struggle for some of the men now coming home. This article is by one member of A. A., a veteran of the last war, who began his own drinking career largely as a result of boredom with readjustment to civilian life and because he missed the Army comradeship. It is a brief treatment of a complex subject and any ideas or comments from Grapevine readers will be welcomed by the staff.)
- School at Yale Mecca for Many with Same Aim
Grapevine, VOL. II, NO. 5, OCTOBER, 1945 (8 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- Evidence on the Sleeping Pill Menace – (To be continued in the November issue)
- Pills and 12th Step Work – L. M. D. (Editor’s Note: The following was written by an M.D. who also is an A.A.)
Grapevine, VOL. II, NO. 6, NOVENBER, 1945 (8 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- What Is the Alcoholic’s Moral Responsibility? – R. F. S., Monlclair, N. J.
- The Grapevine, Adopted as National Periodical, Will Be Made Larger
Grapevine, VOL. II, NO. 7, DECEMBER, 1945 (12 pages) – What’s on the front page of this issue:
- A Merry Christmas to Everyone!—And It Can Be – Abbott T., Manhattan
- The Lord’s Prayer