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History Of Tri County Center – By Larry M., June 2000

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Cincinnati, Ohio
History of Tri-County Center

By Larry M., June 2000

The Tri County Center was founded in Dec. of 1982.

It was started by Yancy D, Big John, Clarence, and several others.

Yancy had a vacant room for rent behind his barbershop; it was about 15 feet by 30 feet.

And this is where it started taking place; there was some difficulty from the start due to personalities over principals.

The Beginners Meeting was started in Nov. of 1983.

Mary M was responsible for starting and getting these meetings off the ground.

The original Chair people were Sylvia, Bill R, Mary M, Larry M, and several others whose names escape me at this time.

Bill R. Chairman and one other person attended the first Beginners Meeting.

In Aug. or Sept. of 1984 Larry M. was asked to be on the board of directors, to finish out someone else’s term.

There was an ill wind blowing, personalities and power were becoming a problem.

In Oct. An election of officers was held, with the requirements to serve cut from two years sobriety to one year, due to not having enough members with two years sobriety.

Bill R. Jack L. Larry M. Fred M. were elected, Yancy a fellow he sponsored and one other who I also forget were the carryovers.

Yancy as the landlord was going to double the rent from $300. To $600 per month.

Mary M was sure if we took the bull by the horns “people would come out of the woodwork to support us”

A petition was posted on the wall should we move or should we stay; the results were as best as memory serves 45 move 0 stay. The search was on.

We found the old building at the present location; the rent was to be $600. We had no idea if we could pay that much or not.

Bill R. Larry M. and Jack L. decided that we would sign the lease and guarantee the rent for the first year should there be a shortfall, There never was a shortfall.

The people had indeed “come out of the woodwork” to support the club.

There was $1000. in a building fund. This was used to remodel the old bldg. for meetings.

Most everything was donated and there was no shortage of volunteers to do the work.

On Dec.29th, 1984 we moved into the old bldg.

Larry M was chairing the beginners meeting at the barbershop location. After the meeting, everyone was asked to pick up the chairs and everything else that belonged to the club put it in their cars, then take it to the new location.

The barbershop location was cleaned and the move was over.

Bill R. chaired the the12:30 meeting at the Kemper Rd. location.

On New Year’s Eve, the 2nd anniversary of the club was celebrated 92 people were in attendance.

In the beginning at Kemper Rd. the parking lot held 13 cars, where Motel Six is now, there was a field with a small area blacktop that was used for additional parking.

A drawing of a thermometer was placed on the wall for the parking lot fund, as the fund grew the heat went up on the thermometer. We could only afford to put down gravel at first, but the support was coming.

June of 1987 somewhere between 6 and 8 people pledged $3000. each. This would go into an account to guarantee the mortgage. The old bldg. was purchased.

The new bldg. became available and was purchased in 1990 or 1991 (?).

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