Box 459 Grand Central Annex
New York 17, N. Y.
My dear Jim,
Thanks for your last letter, telling me all the good news of yourself and reminding me of your approaching anniversary.* I do wish I could share it with you, but the press of affairs here is so great that I don’t believe there is a chance. But please know how deeply appreciative I am for all that you did in the early days and ever since, to make A.A. what it now is … it is a record in our annals that will never be forgotten.
I note that what you say about the upcoming 1960 Conference and will suggest your name to the committee. They tell me there is still some question whether Long Beach will be big enough to accommodate the crowd. Judging, however, by the action of the Conference, I think we shall make the best of what is there. It is certainly the largest center of population and this would guarantee the gate at once. Probably you have heard by now that Lois’s sister Kitty died. She contracted lung cancer a couple of years ago, had an operation, but it finally caught up with her. She made a great job of the whole business — it was vastly inspiring. I hope I can do half as well when the clock strikes.
Meanwhile, please have all the best and the same to your good lady. Wish I could make this longer, but am piled high.
MR. and Mrs. James Burwell
4193 Georgia Street
San Diego 3, California
*Jim – Bill just gave this record recently, to transcribe, so our anniversary
has been past these many days! Sorry to be so late.
Nell Wing.