People in AA’s History
that begin with the letter:
* B., Mr. – Toledo’s 1st A.A. hospitalization, in obstetric ward Women’s & Children’s Hospital, only place take him (D 257)
* Bacon, Dr. Seldon – sociologist, appointed chairman of Conn. Commission on Alcoholism 1945 -1st program supported by state funds (H 189)
* Bamford, Bertha – Bill’s childhood sweetheart, daughter of Reverend & Mrs. W.H.Bamford, died of internal hemorrhage November 18, 1912, age 18, at 5th Avenue Hospital following surgery to remove tumor, started Bill on 3 year depression (B 56,61) (C 4) (N 12) (P 35-36, 38, 270) (W 144)
* Bamford, Reverend & Mrs. W.H. – Bertha parents, Episcopal minister Manchester Vermont (P 35-36)
* Barb Wilson’s spent night with her & Cy (P 214)
* Barney B. – early Los Angeles A.A. helped by Johnny Howe & Kaye M. (A 92)
* Barrow, Waldo – Bill’s great uncle, killed in 1864 Battle Wilderness (P 54)
* Barry L. – joined Manhattan Group 1945; story of doing desk duty at clubhouse on 41st Street when a black man, ex-convict, all belongings on back, hair bleached blond, wearing makeup, dope fiend came for help; group asked Bill what do, Bill said if he a drunk that all mattered; anonymous author Living Sober (N 352) (P 317-318)
* Bauer, Dr. W.W. – psychiatrist, American Medical Association, nonalcoholic, spoke 2nd Intentional Convention St. Louis 1955 (A x ii, 4, 235, 237-44) (G 97) (P 358) (BB3 572)
* Baylor, Courtney – well known American psychiatrist Rowland had consulted before Dr. Jung (BB3 26u)
* Beckwith, Peggy – President Lincoln’s great granddaughter; Lois lunched with during motorcycle trip (L 45) (P 74)
* Beebe, Jamie – boyhood acquaintance Bill’s (P 47)
* Beebe, Jim – acquaintance Bill’s grandparents, couldn’t learn to drive car (P 46)
* Beery, Wallace – character in `Tugboat Annie‘, hid bottles in stocking tops (D 42) (BB3 177,441)
* Belford, Reverend Lee – Trustee member 1st Archives Committee 1973 (G 127)
* Ben – early Sydney A.A. in late 1944 (A 86)
* Benner, Judge – former probate judge, 40 years chairman board at City Hospital (D 130)
* ‘Bern’ – husband of Evelyn H., Bill wrote her about slips (P 252-4)
* ‘Bern’ – nickname Smith, Bernard B
* Bert C. – 1 of 2 successes of Paddy K. in Boston (A 96)
* Bert T. – early New York A.A.; held meetings elegant 5th Avenue tailor shop and loft 1939; put business up as collateral to borrow $1000 keeping A.A. afloat; with Horace C. discovered & guaranteed rent 1st A.A. clubhouse 24th Street Clubhouse in February 1940; after Saturday Evening Post article in early 1940’s trustees sent him to Chicago & Cleveland to sound out groups & get groups to support A.A. headquarters; early Board member (A 11-12, 177, 180-1, 186 ,192) (B 290, 319) (H 62, 64-65, 339) (L 116, 127, 172, 198) (P 216-7, 221 ,224 ,238)
* Bertha V. – her story “Another Chance” in 3rd edition (BB3 526-30)
* Beth B. – wife Silas B. (L 102)
* Betty B. – young student nurse City Hospital, joined A.A. around 1970 (D 46, 48-50, 70, 103-4)
* Betty L. – worked on 12 & 12 with Bill (A 219) (P 354)
* Bill A. – well-to-do early A.A., Washington, bought Preferred Stock in Works Publishing Inc; joined Fitz M. in Washington D.C. area 1940 (A 188) (P 257, 258n)
* Bill B. – MC for Sunday activities 1960 International Convention Long Beach California (G 103)
* Bill C. – young Canadian alkie, former attorney, compulsive gambler, stayed Bill’s house nearly year, committed suicide Oct 1936 using gas stove; before died sold Wilson’s clothes (B 263, 265) (L 105) (P 165-166) (BB3 16u)
* Bill D. – wife was Henrietta; A.A. #3; man on the bed; lawyer, well adjusted family man, Sister Ignatia & Dr. Scuderi secretly treated 1935, Dr. Bob & Bill went to see June 28, 1935; story 2nd edition Big Book; didn’t support General Service Conference idea; 1st Ohio delegate A.A. General Service Conference 1951; died September 17 1954 (A 6, 7, 19, 71, 72) (B 243-244, 248) (D 82-3, 85, 88, 90-2, 96, 100, 106, 146, 169, 235, 246, 267, 276-7, 325-6) (E 14, 64) (H xiii, 358, 360-362) (L 97) (N 37-39, 74, 151) (P 153-154, 226, 356) (S 11, 21) (BB2 182-192) (BB3 182-192) (BB3 xviiu,156-8u,159u,182-192u,188,208,291)
* Bill E. – well-to-do early A.A. Washington, bought Preferred Stock in Works Publishing Inc (A 188)
* Bill G. – his story “There’s Nothing the Matter With Me!” in 2nd edition (BB2 499-508)
* Bill H. – alcoholic green grocer met Canadian mining engineer Bob B. early 1947, these 2 started A.A. group London (A 83)
* Bill J. – early Akron A.A., salesman, slipped in Cincinnati, (D 119)
* Bill J. – Cleveland banker (probably bank teller), received requests for help from AA in Cleveland, stayed with Oxford Group when Cleveland group split off (D 167, 204, 218)
* Bill R. – early NY/NJ A.A.; attended Tuesday night meetings Bill’s with nonalcoholic wife, Kathleen, 1939 Trustee -the ‘NY member’ of the Board of Alcoholic Foundation that got drunk; “A Business Man’s Recovery” 1st ed Big Book (A 180) (L 102) (P 162, 188) (BB1 242-251)
* Bill S. – Los Angeles A.A., wife Agnes (P 287-288)
* Bill S. – early Cleveland Catholic A.A. (N 84)
* Bill V. – original Akron A.A., met & treated by Sister Ignatia 1936 (S 11)
* Bill V.H. – joined A.A. September 1937, his story “A Ward of the Probate Court” in 1st edition (D 119, 141, 145, 185, 223, 317, 336) (BB1 296-302)
* Bill W. – William Griffin Wilson, co-founder of A.A.; died January 24 1971 11:30pm Miami Heart Clinic on 53rd wedding anniversary, emphysema complicated by pneumonia; burial & memorial service May 8 1971 (A vii, ix, xi, 1, 12, 38, 52-54, 56, 58-59, 62, 64-66, 87-88, 100-101, 115, 140, 157, 164, 183-184, 191, 195, 204-205) (B 15, 31, 72, 111, 135-137, 148-149, 180-181, 144, 233-234, 236-239, 250, 263, 274, 277, 285, 295, 304, 325, 334, 345, 364, 368, 369) (C 4-5, 8, 29, 35) (D 12, 14, 37, 39, 43, 46, 57, 59-60, 63-4, 66-83, 85-88, 90-3, 95, 97-100, 104-5, 107-8, 111-2, 121, 123-8, 135, 140, 142, 148, 151-4, 157-9, 161, 164, 166-9, 172, 174-5, 177-8, 181-4, 187, 198, 202-4, 207-13, 215-9, 223, 226, 233-5, 241, 249, 255, 259, 262, 267-71, 277, 279, 281, 283-4, 302, 306-7, 309-311, 315, 319-26, 330, 337, 339, 342-3, 345) (E 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21-23, 62) (G ix, 2, 23, 54-55, 60, 62, 75-76, 79, 80, 83, 105, 121) (H xiii, 35-6, 59, 62, 66, 94, 103, 106, 142, 144, 147-148, 156, 165, 173, 196-199, 205-9, 212, 216, 239-40, 244, 245, 246, 247, 267, 278, 279, 283-284, 298, 313, 325-7, 355-7, 367) (L 1, 13-14, 16, 18, 20-21, 25-26, 33-34, 37, 73, 75, 80, 83, 88, 95-96, 98, 103, 107, 111, 127-128, 131, 135, 138, 157, 162, 166, 171-172, 197-198) (SM 9, 11, 13, 35) (N 7-14-21, 26-28, 32-33, 35, 38-41, 63-64, 93, 98, 119, 126, 135, 251, 135, 251, 253) (P 13, 29, 36, 54, 59, 68, 77, 126, 139, 142-143, 162, 169, 200, 232-233, 247, 248, 272, 275, 311, 350, 370, 371, 373, 376, 379, 385, 389, 391, 396, 398, 403, 407) (S ix, 5, 17, 18-19, 119) (W 144, 146-148, 155, 158, 160, 162, 170, 173-174, 179-180, 186) (BB3 xvu, xxiiiu, xxvu, 56u, 96u,149-50u,153u,159u,162u,179u,184u, 185, 188, 216, 245, 246, 281, 291, 395, 412-2, 504u)
* Bill L. – Chicago A.A. carried message with Chan F. to Pat C. in Minneapolis 1940 (A 95)
* Billy D. – Oxford Group member, assistant superintendent Calvary Episcopal Mission, Dr. Sam Shoemaker’s Calvary Church operated (P 117, 120)
* Blackwell, Edward – president Cornwall Press, Cornwall New York (A 156,169-170,172,176) (B 287) (H 145) (P 194, 204, 205, 207)
* Blaisdell, Dr. Russell E. – head Rockland State Hospital in Monsey, New York, Bob V. started meetings there December 1939; let bus loads committed alcoholics go meetings in South Orange NJ & NYC; asked Bill speak December 1939; attended John D. Rockefeller’s A.A. dinner February 8, 1940 (A viii, 12, 183) (B 291) (G 73) (H 62) (P 218, 232-233) (BB3 163u)
* Blakemore, John – Marty’s husband (BB3 225u)
* Bob’s, Dr. -maternal grandfather – medical doctor, Dr. Bob wanted be doctor like him (D 24)
* Bob B. – Canadian mining engineer went London early 1947 met Bill H. alcoholic green grocer, they started A.A. London (A 83)
* Bob E. – wealthy banker, joined A.A. February 1937, made AA address books, member Akron’s wealthiest families (C 132) (D 101, 116-9, 122-3, 142, 146, 152, 156-7, 176, 217, 221-3) (N 53)
* Bob F. – picture appeared Jack Alexander article March 1 1941 Saturday Evening Post (P 247)
* Bob H. -early A.A.; general manager General Service Office 1968-1974; close to Bill when Bill received Catholicism training; (D 149-50)(G 2, 125) (P 255, 281, 321, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402)
* Bob O. – his story “The Salesman” in first edition (BB1 317-24)
* Bob M. – Toledo, on 12 Step call with Walter C., advised 12 Step brother of Edith M. [his sister] =advised 12 Step himself (D 257)
* Bob P. – “AA Taught Him to Handle Sobriety” in 3rd edition of Big Book (BB3 554-561u)
* Bob P. -G.S.O senior advisor, trustee, helped write Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age (N 266) (P 189n)
* Bob R. – see E.B. Bob R.
* Bob S., Dr. – Dr. Robert Holbrook Smith; co-founder A.A.; born August 8 1879 St. Johnsbury Vermont; diagnosed terminal cancer 1948; last appearance, talk at 1st International Convention Cleveland 1950; died November 16 1950 of cancer (A vii, ix, 1, 2, 6, 7, 9-10, 11, 14, 19, 22f, 43, 66, 67-71, 76, 87, 136, 141, 144, 145, 148, 149, 151, 152, 155, 164, 183-184, 193, 206, 209, 211, 212, 214) (B 237-239, 242-243, 274, 295, 345-346) (C 2-3, 7, 12, 29, 40, 61, 105, 118, 124, 157) (D 9, 46, 171, 255, 344) (E 12-14, 20, 64, 71) (G 3, 13, 55, 77-78, 80, 83, 88) (H 58, 59, 60-1, 62, 63-4, 66, 67-8, 107-110, 113, 120, 122, 125-6, 128, 137, 140,142-143, 160, 168, 193, 199-200, 202-3, 217, 227, 247, 262, 286, 345-6, 353-4, 354-60, 359, 360, 373-6) (L 95-96, 145-155) (SM 9, 11, 16, 109) (N 28-33, 38-41, 65, 79, 119, 316, 346) (P 76n, 100, 130, 137-49, 151-8, 162, 166, 171, 177-81, 184-5, 187-9, 190, 194, 196, 197, 200, 221, 225, 232-233, 234, 236, 248, 256, 266, 268, 275, 280, 301, 316, 320-3, 326, 328, 330-4, 336-42, 357, 358, 407) (S ix, 8-9, 17-18, 32, 114, 123, 140, 144, 186) (W 156) (BB1 183-93) (BB2/3 171-81) (BB3 xvu, 155u, 159u, 171-181, 184u, 185, 188, 195, 206, 216u, 217, 218, 219, 235u, 263, 267u, 270, 271, 272, 278-9, 291-3, 301-2u, 395)
* Bob T. – early delegate, Mississippi lawyer, drew up Conference resolution not to ask for Congressional Charter (A 126-127)
* Bob V. – wife Mag; farm house Wilson’s stayed fall 1939; rooms called Upper & Lower Siberia, located Bog Hollow Monsey New York; started meetings Rockland State Hospital December 1939, executive pharmaceutical house, started several groups South American counties, later slipped (A viii,11,179) (B 291) (L 122,127) (P 218)
* Bobbie B. – replaced Ruth Hock as AA secretary 1942; former dancer, member A.A.; present when some blacks came to a meeting with Southerners there, blacks were invited back as visitors (A 16, 195, 196) (B 334) (D 149) (H 66, 152, 169) (L 141) (P 304, 317)
* Bock, Christine – Bill’s father’s 2nd wife, had daughter Helen, died January 6 1955 (B 73) (L 70) (P 80, 362)
* Boethius – one of possible authors of Serenity Prayer (P 258n)
* Bok, Judge Curtis – owner & publisher Saturday Evening Post magazine; heard about A.A. from 2 Philadelphia friends Drs. A. Wiese Hammer & C. Dudley Saul; asked Jack Alexander do A.A. story (A 18, 190) (H 63, 181, 363) (L 131) (N 100) (P 244-245)
* Borton, T. E. – not alcoholic, meetings held in his home in Cleveland (A 21, 209)
* ‘Boss’ – Bill’s nickname for Burnham, Dr. Clark
* Bove, Jessica – nonalcoholic secretary New York A.A.; wrote Grapevine article ‘From Outside Looking In’ (G 41)
* Boyle, Dr. Ed – see “Ed B, Dr”
* ‘Boys at Central Garage’ – drove Dr. Bob home when drunk (C 117) (D 40)
* Brock, Ella – Bill’s grandmother, see “Griffith, Ella Brock”
* Brooke B. – from Calvary Mission attended Tuesday night meetings Bill’s house (L 102) (P 162)
* Brooks, Mrs. – Burr & Burton’s headmaster’s wife, gave Bill singing lessons (B 54)
* Brooks, James – Principal Burr & Burton, announced Bertha Banford’s death, also pall bearer (B 60-61) (N 12) (P 36)
* ‘Brotherhood’ – those worked at Calvary Episcopal Mission 23rd Street New York, operated by Dr. Sam Shoemaker’s Calvary Church (P 115-116)
* Brown, Dr. – Evanston Indiana, introduced several patients to Earl T. (A 22) (BB3 295u, 306-10u)
* Brown Family – a poor family that shared Christmas dinner 1925 with Bill & Lois during motorcycle trip (L 46)
* Brown, Robert Lee – sharecropper trying raise tobacco, very poor, invited Bill & Lois who on road share Christians dinner, turnip greens, sweet potato custard (B 158)
* Browne, Lewis – wrote This Believing World, book Bill valued (G 22)
* Bruce H. – 1st use radio carry A.A. message in Jacksonville (A 25)
* Bruce M. – met Dr. Bob 1942 & 1943, sober 1945 Canton Ohio (D 276-7)
* ‘Buckets‘ – see “Alec”
* Buchman, Dr. Frank N. D. – born June 4 1878; reared deeply religious Lutheran home, student Muhlenberg College, Mount Airy Seminary; visited England 1908, at Keswick Convention heard speaker, changed life; founder/ leader Oxford Group 1921 after spiritual experience traveling Scotland; strongly advocated 1 on 1 relationship helping others; principle sharing after conversion; 1st ‘house party’ Calling China, became Oxford Group technique, guided make restitution & confession; met Samuel M. Shoemaker Peking January 1918; died 1961 (C 3) (D 53, 55, 69, 155, 158-9) (G 68) (H 196) (L 92) (N 48-49) (P 127, 128, 130, 131, 169-71, 174, 219, 246, 386-7) (W 113-118)* Bud E. – early AA in NY, met Felicia and Anne at station (BB3 415)
* Bud G. – Little Rock Arkansas, so anonymous leader spoke behind curtain 1,200 people (L 143)
* Bud F. – Los Angeles A.A. (P 288)
* ‘Buffalo’ Bill – circus performer (P 30)
* ‘Bum from St. Louis’ – what Tom M. caretaker 24th Street Clubhouse called Father Dowling when he came to visit Bill 1940
* ‘Bunky’ – nickname for Jellinek, Dr. E. M. -Ph.D.
* Burke, Ted – flew Bill & Ebby Manchester Airport 1929, 1st plane to land there, all were drunk (G 58) (P 83) (BB3 9)
* Burneson, Virginia – managing editor Grapevine March 1952, wrote Sister Ignatia for Bill reference errors in Grapevine articles about hospitalization plan called Knickerbocker Plan (S 148)
* Burnham, Dr. Clark – Lois’s father, gynecologist & surgeon, Brooklyn, married Matilda Spelman who died Christmas 1932; remarried Joan Jones in May 1933, moved out 132 Clinton Street early 1933; died September 1936 (B 47, 79-80, 127, 177) (L 1-2, 84, 106) (N 14, 25) (P 33, 63, 87, 98, 99, 164, 175, 213) (BB3 4u, 5u)
* Burnham, Kitty – Lois Burnham’s sister, married Gardner Swentzel 17 June 1925, Lois was matron honor (B 111, 156, 180) (L 60) (P 75, 90)
* Burnham, Lois – Bill W’s wife, see “Wilson, Lois Burnham”
* Burnham, Lyman – boyhood acquaintance Bill’s (P 47)
* Burnham, Mrs. – Lois’ mother, see “Spelman, Matilda”
* Burnham, Nathan Clark – Lois’ grandfather, practiced law, medicine, minister Swedenborg Church Lancaster, wrote book Discrete Degrees about relation between spiritual & natural life (L 2)
* Burnham, Roger – Lois Burnham’s brother & Bill’s friend, told Lois of Bill, best man at their wedding; died December 1970 (B 111) (G 57) (L 74) (P 39, 47, 58, 83)
* Burwell, Jim – see “Jimmy B.”