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People In AA’s History – Ee

People In AA’s History
that begin with the letter:

* E.B. ‘Bob’ R. – his story “He Who Loses His Life” in 2nd and 3rd edition (BB2 540-52u) (BB3 531-43u)

*Earl M., Dr. – psychiatrist; learned A.A. from butcher Ed M; co-chairman 20th Anniversary Convention’s Medical Panel, his story “Physician, Heal Thyself” in 2nd & 3rd edition (A 4,237) (P 301) (BB2 393-400) (BB3 345-52u, 347)

* Earl T. – wife Katie T.; early Chicago A.A. -founder Chicago group; his suggestion that Bill codify A.A. experience in late 1945 became “12 Points to Assure Our Future” then shortened into “12 Traditions” in 1949, his story “He Sold Himself Short” in 2nd & 3rd edition (A 22,203,213) (D 179-81) (G 20) (H 154) (L 147) (P 225-6,334) (BB2/3 287-96) (BB3 135u?257, 309-10u)

* Ebby T – Bill’s sponsor; Bill’s childhood friend Burr & Burton school days; family prominent Albany 3 generations kept summer home Manchester Vermont; sold insurance, worked investment broker;1929 he, Bill, and pilot flew into Manchester airfield drunk, 1st people land there; drove drunk into kitchen of house -asked cup coffee; had alcoholic problem but visited Bill sober 1934 -brought program sobriety learned from Oxford Group, returned with Shep C; asked Bill visit Calvary Church 23rd Street Oxford Group U.S. headquarters led by Reverend Sam Shoemaker; visited Bill Towns Hospital brought book Varieties Religious Experience; came to live at Wilson’s November 18 1936, drunk May 1937; drank heavily afterward, longest sober period 6 years -taught Bill have faith in message not always messenger; Bill requested he receive monthly check life; guest Stepping Stones; died sober March 21, 1966 (A vii,46,58,62,64,140,179) (B 202-204,207,211,229-230,263,273) (C 4) (D 91) (E 11) (G 9,92,98-99) (H 196-199,244-245,277-279,283-284,298,313,367-368) (L 93-94,118,139,197) (N 7-9,16-21,33-35) (P 33,34,60,83-4 ,111-20 ,122n ,124 ,126 ,131 ,143 ,162 ,177,178 , 335 , 336, 358, 381, 393) (W 151,154,157) (BB3 xviu, 8-14u)

* Ed – prospect Dr. Craske sent to Earl T (BB3 294u)

* Ed – salesman, Larry J. helped in Texas, sobered up in Houston, took AA to Austin (A 24)

* Ed A. – early Ohio A.A. (G 25)

* Ed B. – member office staff with Nell Wing; relative famous American painter, been successful writer & editor, alcohol ruined career; discharged from Rockland State Hospital; laryngectomy unable speak; helped Bill edit 2nd edition Big Book (D 148,150,224,228-30,271,274-5,325-6) (G 15,121) (P 354)

* Ed B. – early Akron A.A., wife Annie (D 148,274) (P 354,357)

* Ed B, Dr. – Bill’s doctor, Miami Heart Institute, with Bill in May & June 1970 trying to get him ready for convention in July; on Lear jet January 24 1971 from Bedford Hills  New York to Miami Heart Clinic; arranged for Bill’s body be kept in Miami until New England ground thawed for Bill’s burial (B 368) (G 1,3) (L 160) (P 399-402)

* Ed E. – offer Bill & Lois use Connecticut farmhouse “Dun Nibblin” (L 125)

* Ed G. – early St. Johnsbury Vermont A.A., Fellowship Group member (D 300)

* Ed M. – early Akron A.A., had meat market West Exchange Street, Dr. Bob would stop in & chat (D 271,277)

* Ed V. – Bill bought old Stutz car from him, rumor he took money went drinking (L 134)

* Ed W. – former sales manager, Bill took home to try and sober up (B 233)

* Eddie B. – Toledo based salesman; with Charles (“C.J.”) K. was state insane asylum Toledo voluntary commitments, summer 1939, read Big Book manuscript, got out; they then 12 stepped Duke P (D 253)

* Eddie F. – U.S. A.A., sobered up Boston, founder A.A. El Salvador 1954, called there Mr. Eddie (E 47)

* Eddie R. – prominent Youngstown family; wife Ruth university professor, surrendered in Oxford Group; 1st person Bill & Dr. Bob tried help, sent by J.C. Wright, hoped would be A.A. #3, failed; he & her 2 children lived with Dr. Bob & Annie; caused lot problems, threatened Annie with butcher knife; example ineffectiveness of wet nursing. He eventually got sober in 1949 at the Youngstown Ohio group (A 72) (B 249) (C 5,41-42) (D 77-78,80-1,85,93,97,99) (L 97) (P 151-2,159n) (BB3 124u)

* Eddy, Mary Baker – Christian Science founder, readings influenced Bill to the dangers of single person leadership (B 188) (G 25) (P 230,231n)

* Edison, Thomas – inventor, Bill was offered job at his lab (P 65,66,144)

* Edith M. – Bob M.’s sister (D 257) (P 214)

* Edna McD. – wife early Cleveland A.A., county visiting nurse, helped get beds alcoholics Cleveland’s Deaconess Hospital (A 20) (D 201)

* Eileen – lovely young girl in Cecil M’s story (BB3 321)

* Eleanor E. – heard Dr. Bob & Bill speak 1946, didn’t know who they were until 1966 (D 300)

* Elgie R. – Oxford Group member; joined A.A. April 1939, John R.’s wife, made AA address books, 12 stepped Ethel & Rollo M. (C 50) (D 80-1,128,146,155,166,177,179,213,216-8,236-8,242-4,252,278,286,289-90,296-7,311,314) (BB3 266u, 271)

* Elinor R. – wife of Frank R. in Los Angeles (P 288)

* Eisenhower, Dwight D. – sent telegram good wishes A.A.’s 2nd International Convention (A 36-7)

* Elizabeth D. – wife of Herb D., Americans carried A.A. to Brazil (E 47)

* Ella G – Dr. Jim S. met while repairing outlet and got into AA (BB3 493-5)

* Ellen – daughter of Felicia G. (BB3 402u)

* Emily S. – her & husband Harold S. constantly opened Flatbush home for A.A. meetings (L 127) (P 217)

* Emma – Esther E’s family cook (BB3 385)

* Emma K. – A.A., cared along with husband Lavelle K. for Dr. Bob & Annie their last years at 855 Ardmore Avenue Akron (C 61) (D 17,30,43,244,289,309,317-8,322-23,327,329-33) (N 336)

* Enid K – Trevor K’s wife (BB3 343u)

* Ernest M. – attended Tuesday night meetings Bill’s house (L 102) (P 162)

* Ernie G – Akron – A.A. #4; Akron, 1st young person -30 years old, 1st slipper, salesman, considered almost too young; drank 7 months after year sober; story “The Seventh Month Slip” 1st edition Big Book; met Dr. Bob’s daughter 1935, 14 years older, married September 1941, married 24 years divorced 1965; quit drinking 1946 (A 6, 73) (B 248) (C 11-13, 48, 51-53) (D 20, 92-93, 95-6, 98-100, 105-6, 112, 140, 141, 143, 258) (L 97) (P 154-5, 226) (BB1 282-6) (BB3 158u, 159u?270)

* Ernie G. – Toledo – 1939, early member from Toledo, wife is Ruth G.(D 141,148,175,226,235,253,256.258,265,300,312-3)

* Eskimo – used in example of trying to run away from alcohol (BB3 101)

* Estelle, W.J. (Jim) Jr. – chairperson General Service Board Alcoholics Anonymous (E 7)

* Esther E. – started group Dallas Texas, her story “A Flower of the South” in 2nd & 3rd edition (L 144) (A 24) (BB2 343-54) (BB3 384-95u, 385)

* Ethel M. –  1st A.A. Akron women stay sober any time, Rollo M.’s wife, she weighed 300 pounds/ husband was little guy, both 12 stepped May 1941 by John & Elgie R., her story “From Farm to City” in 2nd & 3rd edition (D 223,243-244,284) (S 124)  (BB2/3 261-74)

* Evans, Dick – Oxford Group member got Bill job 1936 collecting proxies on behalf investment trust Harrisburg Pennsylvania (L 105)

* Eve M. – former staff member, helped revive interest in “12 Concepts” (G 27)

* Evelyn H. – Bill wrote her about slips, her husband ‘Bern‘ slipped (P 252,254)

* Everett – husband of Dr. Bob’s office girl Lillian (C 124)

* Exman, Eugene ‘Gene’ – religious editor Harper & Brothers publishing company; encouraged publication Big Book after reading 1st 2 chapters, offered $1,500 advance, Bill turned down (A 153-5,219) (B 279) (E 23) (G 74) (H 143) (L 111) (SM 10) (N 68) (P 193,194,356)

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