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People In AA’s History – Vv

People In AA’s History
that begin with the letter:

* Val D. – founder A.A. South Africa 1946, sobered up reading Big Book (A 85) (E 46)

* Veikko K. – received letters from buddy Usko about program, started A.A. Finland (E 45-46)

* Venus – Sylvia wished for beauty of (BB3 400)

* Vi S. – joined A.A. with husband, Freddie S. Cleveland 1941, help start women’s group, example ineffectiveness wet nursing (D 97, 99, 245-6) (BB3 485-7, 490)

* Vic M. – early Sacramento A.A. (A 88)

* ‘Victor’ – see “Freddie S”

* Victorine, Sister M. – contemporary of Sister Ignatia, established alcoholic ward St. Vincent’s Charity Hospital Cleveland died January 1988 (A 20) (D 202) (G 24-25) (H 204)

* Virgil – ancient Roman poet and writer (BB3 533)

* Virginia MacL. – sister of Dorothy S.M. (Clarence S. wife), patient Dr. Leonard V. Strong (Bill’s brother-in-law) (D 142,313-4) (BB3 ?216)

* Voltaire – French philosopher and author 1694-1778 (A 267)

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