Published Titles — Dick B. as Author, Compiler and Editor, or Contributor
© 2005 by Dick B.
Paradise Research Publications, Inc. Titles, Dick B., Author
Anne Smith’s Journal, 1933 – 1939, 3rd ed., 1998.
By the Power of God: A Guide to Early A.A. Groups and Forming One, 2000.
Cured: Proven Help for Alcoholics and Addicts, 2003.
Comments in 7 Lectures at First Nationwide A.A. History Conference, 2003.
Dr. Bob and His Library: A Major Spiritual Source, 3rd ed., 1998.
God and Alcoholism: Our Growing Opportunity in the 21st Century, 2002.
Good Morning!: Quiet Time, Morning Watch, Meditation, and Early A.A., 2d ed., 1998.
Henrietta B. Seiberling: Ohio’s Lady with a Cause, Rev. ed., 2004.
Making Known the Biblical History and Roots of Alcoholics Anonymous, Rev. ed., 2005.
New Light on Alcoholism: God, Sam Shoemaker, and A.A., 2d ed., 1999.
The Akron Genesis of Alcoholics Anonymous, 2d ed., 1998.
The Books Early AAs Read for Spiritual Growth, 7th ed., 1998.
The Golden Text of A.A.: Early A.A., God, and Real Spirituality, 1999.
The Good Book and The Big Book: A.A.’s Roots in the Bible, 2d ed., 1997.
The James Club and The Absolute Essentials of the Original A.A. Program, 3rd ed., 2005.
The Oxford Group and Alcoholics Anonymous: A Design for Living that Works, 2d ed., 1998.
That Amazing Grace: The Role of Clarence and Grace S. in A.A., 1996
Turning Point: A History of Early A.A.’s Spiritual Roots and Successes, 1997.
Twelve Steps for You: Take the Twelve Steps with the Big Book, A.A. History, and the Good Book at Your Side, 2d ed., 2005.
Utilizing Early A.A.’s Spiritual Roots for Recovery Today, 1998.
When Early AAs Were Cured. And Why (2d Nationwide A.A. History Conference Presentation), 2d ed., 2005.
Why Early A.A. Succeeded: The Good Book in A.A. Yesterday and Today (Bible Study Primer for AAs and 12 Steppers), 2001.
Tincture of Time Press Title, Dick B. Author
Hope!: The Story of Geraldine Owen Delaney, Alina Lodge & Recovery, 2d ed., 2002.
Hazelden Titles, Dick B., Compiler and Editor or Contributor
Courage To Change: The Christian Roots of the Twelve-Step Movement, 2d ed., Compiled and Edited by Bill Pittman and Dick B., 1994.
Women Pioneers in 12 Step Recovery, by Charlotte Hunter, Billye Jones, Joan Zieger, Chapter 2 (Henrietta Seiberling), pp. 25-41), contributed by Dick B., 1999.
Came to Believe Publications Title, Dick B., Compiler and Editor
Our A.A. Legacy to the Faith Community: A Twelve-Step Guide for Those Who Want to Believe, by Three Clarence Snyder Sponsee Old-timers and Their Spouses, Compiled and Edited by Dick B., 2005.