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The Christian Science Monitor, Boston, August 17, 1939


Boston, August 17, 1939


In view of the extent of liquor consumption in the United States since the repeal of national Prohibition, a book recently published on the subject of liquor addiction and its remedy seems designed for a wide usefulness. This volume is entitled “Alcoholics Anonymous,” issued by the Works Publishing Company in New York and contributed to by authors with experience in the overcoming of the drink habit.

The thesis of this book, as summarized by one reviewer, is that will power is not enough to enable the patient to break the hold of alcoholism, that he is more likely to win through if he suffuses his consciousness completely with some commanding idea which excludes the thought of alcohol or stimulants, and that for the surest prospect of success this overwhelming interest should be religion – “the idea of a force outside of himself.”

It has indeed been proved true in case after case that something more than individual will power – or “won’t” power – is necessary in order to heal what at least one special sanitarium recognizes in its advertizing as “a disease “What indeed could be more effective than an absorbing conviction that, in the words of David, “God is my strength and power and he maketh my way perfect.” fortunately thousands are finding this knowledge a sure and gratifying defense.

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