Apr 30 – May 6, Crowne Plaza Manhattan in NYC. Theme: Trusting Our Future to AA Principles. The 50th GSC.
Jun 29-Jul 2, 65th anniversary and 11th Int’l Convention held at Minneapolis, MN. Est. attendance 47,000.
Apr 22-28, Crowne Plaza Manhattan in NYC. Theme: Love and Service. The 51st GSC recommended that:
- The fourth Ed. of the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous, be approved. (Lit.)
- The Twelve Concepts (short form) with a brief introduction, be added to the Appendices Section in future printings of the Big Book. (Lit.)
Sep 12, AA trusted servants in NYC organized AA meetings 24 hours around the clock near Ground Zero for the AA members engaged in rescue and emergency work at the World Trade Center tragedy. (2002 GSC-FR 26)
Archives WORKBOOK published as a service piece.
Nov 1, fourth Ed. of Alcoholics Anonymous published. It contained 24 new personal stories. (GSO)
Nov 9, GSO sent a complimentary copy of the 4th Ed. Big Book to groups in the US and Canada. (2002 GSC-FR 28)
Dec 8-9, the first Special Hispanic Forum was held in Austin, TX. (2002 GSC-FR 28)
Estimated AFG membership: 600,000 in 26,500 groups. (AFG pamphlet AR-2)
Distribution of the Big Book reached the 22 million mark. (NG 268)
Feb 9, Sue Smith W (Dr Bob and Anne’s adopted daughter) died.
Apr 21-27, Crowne Plaza Manhattan in NYC. Theme: Sharing the Steps, Traditions and Concepts. The 52nd GSC recommended that:
- The [revised] video Markings on the Journey be approved by the GSC. (Archives)
- An anthology of the last published version of the 56 stories dropped from the first, second and third Editions of the Big Book be approved with the title Experience, Strength and Hope. (Lit.)
- The text in the book Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions written by Bill Wilson, remain as is, recognizing the Fellowship’s feeling that Bill’s writings be retained as originally published. (Lit.)
- Although the committee acknowledged the importance of electronic meetings to some AA members, the sentence “Fundamentally, though, the difference between an electronic meeting and the home group around the corner is only one of format” in the last paragraph of the Foreword to the 4th Ed, be deleted in future printings of the Big Book. (Lit.)
- After careful consideration of the request to restore The Doctor’s Opinion to page 1 as published in the 1st Ed. of the Big Book from 1939 to 1955 in future printings of the Big Book, the committee agreed to take no action. (Lit.) The matter was also later turned down when brought as a floor action.
Distribution of the Big Book (2002 GSC-FR 15)
Ed. Count 1st 300,000 2nd 1,150,000 3rd 19,550,000 4th 1,225,000
Experience, Strength and Hope: Stories From the First Three Editions of Alcoholics Anonymous, was published.
Apr 27 – May 3, Crowne Plaza Manhattan in NYC. Theme: Living AA’s Principles Through Sponsorship. The 53rd GSC recommended that:
- A comprehensive review of the AA Group pamphlet be undertaken and a draft returned to the 2004 GSC. (Lit.)
- The Trustees Archives Committee consider additional items in the “Mission Statement” and in the “Calendar of Holdings” of the Archives Workbook. (Archives)