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To The Trustees of The Alcoholic Foundation

To The Trustees of The Alcoholic Foundation
Bedford Hills, New York, April 8, 1947

Dear Friends,

Following our past year of deliberation on questions touching the A.A. Headquarters policy and structure, I have ventured to prepare the enclosed material under the title: The Alcoholic Foundation of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

The first section, The Alcoholic Foundation of Yesterday, is purely historical. It is designed to show the evolution of our central structure since its small beginning in 1937. This section, published serially in the Grapevine, could help greatly to inform every A.A. about us and clear away a certain amount of misunderstanding that has quite naturally arisen for sheer lack of printed facts. May we have your consent to publication?

Section two, The Alcoholic Foundation of Today, is, to some degree, a misnomer, because it has been written as though the several suggested changes in structure and money policy still under consideration were already in effect. Doctor Bob and I wish to place this section before the Foundation Reorganization Committee for their study and recommendations.

Section three is an attempt to construct a central structure for A.A. of the future —— one which might stand a better chance of survival than our present incomplete design. This would involve changing the name of the Foundation and the creation of a yearly Conference. This too, is, of course, a matter first for the Reorganization Committee and then for the Board of Trustees.

Should we be able to agree on sections two and three, or some better modifications of them, it might then prove desirable to incorporate all three sections into a pamphlet to be distributed to our whole membership.

Meanwhile it seems right to Dr. Bob and me that this material be placed before all the Trustees pending the study and report of the Reorganization Committee.

Appreciatively yours,
William G. Wilson

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