that begin with the letter:
Landons -Bill’s next door neighbors East Dorset (W 139)
Larry J. –newspaper man went Houston Texas from Cleveland, wrote 6 article series Houston Press which help start Texas A.A. (A 24) (B 295) (D 259) (L 141)
Lavelle K. –A.A., cared, along with wife Emma K. Dr. Bob & Annie last years 855 Ardmore Avenue Akron (C 61) (D 17)
Lawyer Barber –lawyer Bennington Vermont, involved Bill’s parents divorce (P 25)
Lee –wife Chuck, artist, 1st alcoholic arrive Los Angeles from East (A 92)
Leo F. –Los Angeles Group A.A., instrumental bringing A.A. San Quentin (A 89)
Leonard –early New York A.A. (P 214)
Leonard H. –wife Helga H., let Wilson’s use apartment few months 72nd Street & Riverside Drive Manhattan; Leonard nonalcoholic trustee (L 127) (P 216)
Leonard V. Harrison –director public affairs Community Service Society New York City; nonalcoholic trustee 1941 – April 1965 except 5 year hiatus 1956-1961 chairman; saw A.A. through adolescence; spoke 2nd Intentional Convention St. Louis 1955; present 25th Anniversary 1960 Long Beach California (A 5, 186, 208, 212) (E 72) (G 74) (H 195) (SM 17) (P 221, 358)
Lewis B. Hershey –director Selective Service 1942; Bill wrote letter concerning alcoholics being allowed serve military (P 273)
Lewis Browne –wrote This Believing World, book Bill valued (G 22)
Lil –1st lady seek A.A. help, involved 1st 13th step Victor, got sober outside A.A. (D 97-98)
Lillian –Dr. Bob’s office girl, husband Everett (C 124)
Lillian R. –popular singer went public 1940’s, gave small A.A. enormous boost Australia (G 46)
Lily –Dr. Bob’s receptionist-nurse (D 40, 50)
Little Angel of A.A.’s –Sister Ignatia (S 186)
Little Sister Alcoholics Anonymous –Sister Ignatia (S 153)
Lloyd T. –early Cleveland A.A., Dorothy S.M. wife Clarence S. called get help Clarence, stayed with Oxford group after A.A. split, Clarence’s sponsor (D 143, 218)
Lois Burnham (Wilson) –Bill’s wife, met 8 months after Bill’s sweetheart Bertha died; vacationing Emerald Lake near East Dorset; attended well-known Pratt Institute Brooklyn, Friends school, graduated Packer Institute Brooklyn 1912, 2 years New York School Fine & Applied Art school; worked Central Branch Young Women’s Christian Association Brooklyn, involved Young People’s League, taught aunts Marion’s school start January 1917 1 year; worked Brooklyn Naval Hospital; studied Braille transcribed several stories Saturday Evening Post; opened tea arbor summer 1915, engaged fall 1915 married January 24 1918, Elise Valentine Shaw matron honor, sisters Barbara, Katharine & 2 schoolmates bridesmaids, brother Roger best man; 4 years older; daughter respected Brooklyn physician, oldest 6 children, Rogers, Barbara, Katharine, Lyman, Matilda; helped Bill out depression caused death Bertha Bamford Bill’s childhood sweetheart; worked Macy’s department $22.50 week plus 1% commission while Bill drank, once obtained 3 month leave absence Macy’s spend summer Vermont farm Dr. Leonard Strong Jr. & wife her brother; suffered 3 ectopic pregnancies, 3rd 1 1923 led removal ovaries; isolated others due Bill’s drinking; attended 3 Oxford Group house parties with Bill June 1936 Stockbridge Massachusetts, Poconos Pennsylvania December 1936, West Point New York January 1937; tried LSD cause Bill asked; picture appeared Jack Alexander March 1 1941 Saturday Evening Post article; heart attack watching Living Desert Sutton Theater January 24 1954; on Lear jet January 24 1971, Bedford Hills New York-Miami Heart Clinic, told death 6:30 a.m., angry until died not told Bill’s turn for worse before death; died October 5 1988, 97 years old, buried October 10, 1988 East Dorset Vermont (A 54) (B 82, 84-85, 99, 111, 132, 142-143) (C 4,8) (G 1, 3, 31, 54, 83) (L 1, 4, 12-14, 22, 74, 114, 130, 156) (N 41) (P 39-40, 98, 247, 360-361, 371) (W 145-147)
Lois K. –1 of original group publishing Grapevine (A 201)
Lorraine Greim –Ruth Hock’s new assistant, nonalcoholic, started work Newark January 1940; Bill nicknamed Sweetie Pie (P 235, 250)
Louis Seltzer –editor Cleveland Press, rounded out industrial meeting 15th A.A. anniversary (H 118)
Luke –early Chicago A.A. Earl T. worked with (A 22)
Lyman Burnham –boyhood acquaintance Bill’s (P 47)