that begin with the letter:
N -noted radio commentator, broke anonymity for money raising & publicity (P 309)
Nancy –waitress served Dr. Bob City Club (D 293)
Nathan Clark Burnham –Lois’ grandfather, practiced law, medicine, minister Swedenborg Church Lancaster, wrote book Discrete Degrees about relation Swedenborg found between spiritual & natural life (L 2)
Ned –early San Francisco A.A. (A 88)
Ned F. –A.A. Washington lawyer, got Bill interested government (L 130)
Ned P. –new alcoholic, present meeting December 1937 Rockefeller raise money (B 274)
Neil K. –early Youngstown Ohio A.A. (D 254)
Nell Wing –nonalcoholic executive secretary, assistant Bill, worked General Service Office March 3 1947-1982, secretary-receptionist, secretary A.A. World Services Inc Board, General Service Conference duties, publications editor, archivist starting 1973 10 years; heard about A.A. attending Keuka College central New York State September 1939 reading article Alcoholics & God Morris Markey Liberty magazine, taught Mexican high school San Antonio, Texas, did secretarial work, joined female wing Coast Guard SPARS 1944, discharged end WWI, nonconformist, met Bill March 4 1947; began archival activity 1957, General office archivist 1971-1982; folks 1960 International Convention thought Nell Bill’s Chinese secretary; retired 1982; International Convention Seattle 1990 given 10 millionth copy Big Book; on Lear jet January 24 1971, Bedford Hills New York-Miami Heart Clinic, (D 81) (E 21) (G ix, 1, 5-7, 90, 93, 101-102, 113, 121) (L 166) (N xii, 252) (P 357) (S 29) (W 182)
Nelson Rockefeller –son John D. Rockefeller Jr. age 31, chaired February 8 1940 dinner for A.A., Manhattan’s exclusive Union Club (A 183) (B 295) (E 15) (H 62, 145) (L 128) (SM 11) (N 93, 417) (P 232-233)
Nic N. –early San Francisco A.A. (A 88)
Nils Florman –headed proxy fight rival group National Rubber Machinery Company (P 134, 157)
Nona W. –alcoholic, wife Walter W. alcoholic, early A.A.’s, friends Sister Francis who invited her Joy Farm starting A.A.’s contact Sister Francis; 1 1st A.A. women, sponsored by Marty Mann (A 181) (L 122)
Norman Schneider –friend Lois Young People League, young Canadian asked Lois marry him, family owned meat packing firm Kichener Ontario (B 85) (L 16) (P 48)
Norman Sheppard –name Bill got Reverend Walter Tunks from Mayflower Hotel May 11 1935, call find drunk work with, gave Henrietta Seiberling’s number (A 66) (C 5, 35-36) (D 64) (L 95) (N 27) (P 136) (S 19)
Norman Vincent Peale –popular minister Collegiate Church New York, radio preacher spoke 1 New York intergroups dinners celebrating Bill’s sobriety (L 143)
Norman Y. –blind man Youngstown, 12 stepped by Jack D. (D 182)