that begin with the letter:
Paddy K. -founded A.A. Boston, didn’t make it died alcoholism; Marty M. took him Blythewood; 1 her 1st 2 successes (A 96) (P 257)
Pam B. –Red Bank New Jersey; met Bill 1968 vacationing Caribbean winter 1968, made mutual pact quit smoking (P 397)
Pat C. –Minneapolis A.A.; tried start A.A. & club same time; Chicago A.A.’s Chan F. & Bill Y. carried him message 1940 (A 95)
Patron Saint Cleveland A.A. –Dr. Harry Nash treated so many alcoholics East Cleveland Clinic given nickname; early gave castor oil & egg soup called Dr. Nash’s Formula (S 164)
Paul K. –visited Bill Ruth Hock’s 1st day work, Ruth heard fragments drunken misery, miserable wife, being drunk disease, roaring laughter drunken incidents; thought Big Book should be more Christian (A 162) (E 20)
Paul S. –early Akron A.A., met Dr. Bob January 1936, came New York with Dr. Bob meet John D. Rockefeller, attended John D. Rockefeller’s A.A. dinner February 8 1940; got Dr. Bob’s son job Cleveland; liked Twelve Steps way 1st written (A 162, 183) (C 141) (D 111) (H 59, 62) (L 109) (N 53) (P 184, 232-233)
Peg S. –joined A.A. mid-1940’s (D 247)
Peggy –friend Smiths (D 87)
Peggy Beckwith –President Lincoln’s great-granddaughter; Lois lunched with during motorcycle trip (L 45) (P 74)
Percy Strobel –son Bill’s step-father Dr. Charles Strobel (L 53)
Pete A. –Dr. Bob’s son’s wife’s Betty father, alcoholic; sober after daughter brought him Big Book 1944, started group Clovis New Mexico (C 157) (D 303)
Phil S. –A.A. #5 A.A.’s 1st court case, came late August or early September, 1935, insurance man (D 95-96, 132)
Philip –alcoholic Scottish nobleman, journey America look International Christian Leadership Movement, met businesses men interested bringing God into industry by breakfast clubs for prayer & planning, 1st session met George R., sobered up took A.A. home (A 83)
Philip Wylie –wrote article Philip Wylie Jabs a Little Needle into Complacency, said he alcoholic quit solo (H 97)
Polly F. L. –joined A.A. 1943 Chicago, later worked General Service Office (D 246, 300)
Princess –Gladys S. Madras India (L 138)
Priscilla –1 original group publishing Grapevine (A 201)
Professor Watson –wrote letter 1958 A.A. General Service Office about Dr. Bob (D 23)
Puggy –nickname Father Edward Dowling (S 25)